Welcome to Daisy (Get Started Here)

Welcome to the Daisy Ecosystem!

This will walk you through the process of getting started with the Daisy.

If you plan on using Arduino, check out Getting Started in Arduino.


1. Upload an Example Program

2. Next Steps

1. Upload an Example Program

First we’re going to upload the Blink example to your Daisy hardware using our Web Programmer tool.

In order to use this tool you will need the following:

Here are the steps for uploading Blink to the Daisy:

  • In a Chrome browser window, navigate to the Electrosmith Web Programmer
  • Once there, connect the Daisy Seed development board to your computer using a micro USB cable. (If you are using Windows you may have to reset your USB driver before proceeding. See our Zadig wiki page for full instructions.)
  • Put your Daisy into flashable mode by holding down the BOOT button, and pressing the RESET button. Once you release the RESET button you can let go of the BOOT button (You’ll know you performed the button combo correctly if the USER LED on your Daisy stops flashing)
  • Connect Daisy as a DFU device by clicking the “Connect” button at the top of the Web Programmer page
  • In the dialog box that opens, select “DFU in FS Mode” and then click “Connect”
  • Press the “Flash Blink!” button.

Upon a successful flash you should see the following output:

Erasing DFU device memory
Copying data from browser to DFU device
Wrote 34016 bytes
Manifesting new firmware

The onboard LED on your Daisy Seed should now be blinking!


2. Next Steps

Firmware Development

  • Follow this Wiki page to set up your development environment. If you plan on using Arduino, check out the Getting Started Arduino edition.
  • DaisySP is a DSP library specifically tailored for the Daisy environment. Browse the reference documentation.
  • libDaisy is a hardware abstraction library which provides easy access to things such as ADC reads, GPIO, MIDI drivers, and more. Browse the reference documentation here
  • DaisyExamples is home to all of our example programs and circuits for the Daisy platform and associated hardware
  • DaisyDuino is an Arduino library for the Daisy platform and provides a configurable audio callback, DSP library, and board support for Daisy hardware
  • pd2dsy is a utility for converting Vanilla Pure Data patches to firmware that can run on the Daisy.
  • Oopsy is a Max package that allows for exporting and running gen~ patches on the Daisy.
  • Web Programmer is an online tool capable of flashing precompiled binaries to your Daisy device using a graphical interface. You can browse our available programs, or upload your own

Circuit Design

  • The Daisy Seed pinout diagram is located on our Wiki
  • To start adding your own circuits to the Daisy, you can browse our Seed example programs which are each accompanied by a schematic, breadboard diagram, and Fritzing file. This is a great way to get started with basic circuit design such as audio IO, ADC inputs, using potentiometers, etc.
  • Check out our Hardware GitHub repo for the Daisy Seed schematic, as well as reference designs for Eurorack modules, Guitar pedals, and our evaluation platforms. For each evaluation platform (Pod, Patch, Petal, Field) you will find a schematic PDF and EAGLE file located within the GitHub repo.
  • If you plan on designing your own PCB for the Daisy, you can find the EAGLE part in our Electrosmith EAGLE Library

Community and Support

Here are some ways to get support and connect with other users and developers:


Here’s a direct link to the Daisy Seed schematic (v4)

1 Like

Is “Daisy Seed” another name for the Daisy development board, or is it something else? The “Daisy seed” name isn’t mentioned on the shop page in the store or on the Kickstarter campaign page.

Yes, Daisy Seed refers to the Daisy development board. We use seed as a casual reference to the flower nomenclature used with Daisy!

I feel a bit lost already at point 3:

I have not been able to find an illustration showing the location of the BOOT and RESET buttons, or USER LED.

It might be somewhere it the schematics, but I’m not able to find it :slightly_frowning_face:

On the Daisy Seed, behind the micro usb header. (If you have the pod, this is the usb header on the small board, not the big board.) There’s two white buttons. If you look carefully, one is labelled boot, and the other Reset. They’re on either side of the jtag connector (the 2x5 pins sticking up). Hope this helps!

Thanks @ben_serge. I see it now.
Pretty small print for aging eyes :slight_smile:

My daisy is recognized by my computer has DFU device but it not appear in the web programmer. And he is in FS mod. What can i do ?

Which OS are you on?

If you are on Windows, you might need to use Zadig to reset your USB driver.

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I set it up in Arduino, but I can not connect it. If I try to select the port, there is no port which is connected with the daisy (seed). I already tried different cables and also checked them with other devices, to make sure it’s not because of a broken cable.
What am I doing wrong? Is there any driver I have to install to so my computer recognises the daisy?
I was already working with arduino and teensy, and the both are detected by the computer, so I wonder why not the dais?
I’m running Mac OS 11.1, but also tryed it with a Mac running MacOS 10.15, same problem there.

Did you follow the Arduino getting started guide in the Daisy wiki?

Do the Daisy examples show up in the IDE?

Yes I followed the guid and the daisy examples are showing off, too. But I couldn’t try it, 'cause arduino doesn’t find the port of daisy.

I’m using Mac OS 10.14.6 on 2015 Macbook Pro.

In Arduino, set Upload Method to STM32CubeProgrammer (DFU). Press the buttons before you upload, to put the Daisy in DFU mode.

This doesn’t use a Port, so don’t expect a virtual Serial port to appear on the Mac.

(oops! I just realized I was responding to a post from 3 months ago)