The kxmx_bluemchen - An open source, 4hp, Daisy based Eurorack module

Why would you do that instead of running the original OWL patches on Bluemchen?

The special thing about Bluemchen is that it’s very small and affordable. There’s nothing particularly hardcore about it and in fact it’s got less features than most other Daisy based modules.

Other than that, native patches written for libDaisy are not portable without some tweaks to match specific device’s inputs/outputs/codec and various available peripherals. This ends up with extra fragmentation among user contributed patches as porting existing code to other hardware is only happening occasionally. This contrasts to what OWL does by creating an abstraction level in firmware that allows a single patch binary to run on different devices.

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Thank you for your fast reply! Misunderstood this! Though it does not work right away, but nice to know. So I would just need to install Bluemchen.syx and after this any OWL patch I like to run on Bluemchen? Is there a library or can you recommend a forum of users, were I can search and download such OWL patches? Is it this: OWL Patch Library – Rebel Technology ? Does for exampel Befacos Lich`s Firmware also work?


I ported my granulator - grnltr, to the bluemchen - there are .bin files ready to go on the github releases page.


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Lich firmware runs on Lich. Also, I think everything you’ve asked is mentioned in Owlsy FAQ, so I assume you haven’t seen it yet.

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Right, thank you :slight_smile:

I have been taking the SynthUX Academy Workshops, which teach simple DaisyDuino sketches such as Drone Synth, Sampler/Looper, Karplus-Strong DSP, and converting those over to the kxmx_bluemchen hardware. It’s been a good exercise in strengthening my C++ skills and vs code / GitHub integration. Hopefully this repo can give you some ideas for your own project: GitHub - awonak/synthux-bluemchen: SynthUX Academy workshops on kxmx_bluemchen hardware


A post was merged into an existing topic: OWLsy - a port of OpenWare to Daisy platform

Hi @recursinging! Just bought a Daisy Seed board, and found this great project!

I have quite a specific use-case for the board, which requires a certain number of CV and trigger/gate inputs.

Bluemchen doesn’t have the required trig/gate inputs, but I’m wondering if the stereo audio inputs could be repurposed for this use - ie as two independent trigger/gate inputs.

== Update:

I’m guessing from the comments about the alternative “Nehcmeulb” version that that the audio inputs of the original Bluemchen are AC-coupled, and therefore probably not suitable for use for gate/trig.

I think what I probably need is an amalgamation of the two versions, with the MIDI-in and two CV inputs of Bluemchen, but the DC-coupled audio input of Nehcmeulb, and preferably also DC, rather than AC-coupled audio outputs for greater flexibility.

Bluemchen and Nehcmeulb use Daisy Seed, which has AC coupled audio inputs and outputs.

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Thanks for for getting back to me @tele_player. I’ll forget about DC-coupled output then, but DC-coupled audio input seems to be an option so I’ll look at remixing Bluemchen and Nehcmeulb if I get a chance.

I’m surprised Daisy went for AC-coupling on the Seed audio outputs, actually. I guess it’s not aimed as specifically at the modular DIY market as some of their other products.

Hi, I just dug out my bluemchen from my drawer :slight_smile: to do something with it, I have flashed the hardware_test firmware and there is a problem with the screen - it’s extremenly dim. For a while I thought the whole thing was dead, but no, it is working but the diplay is so dim it’s almost impossible to see anything.
Any clues what might have broken?

It’s a very simple circuit. First thing I’d do is unplug and replug the Daisy Seed, and unplug and replug the Front and Back boards, to make sure they’re making goood contact. I’d also look closely at all solder joints, especially on the headers for the Daisy and the board connectors.

Next thing I’d do is check the voltage on the 3.3v input to the OLED, easily measured on the Daisy Seed. If 3.3v is correct, I’d replace the OLED. If 3.3v isn’t correct I’d try a different Daisy Seed.

Yeah, right, 3.3v is there so I need to replace the display… thanks