OWLsy - a port of OpenWare to Daisy platform

Hello again,

finally I have finished building a Bluemchen and I like to varify the procedure to install everything (OWLsy).

I´m just trying to install

  1. MidiBoot-Bluemchen-v0.3.bin (bootloader usually only once need at first installment?)
  2. Bluemchen.syx (latest firmware to run Owlsy)
  3. Owlgazer_Shimmer_Reverb.syx (app as an example; I just copy any app .syx to the SD-card at top folder right?)

I run the latest Google Chrome and tried to connect the Daisy Seed via Daisy Web Programmer
It seems to be connected (not 100% sure), but the program button is still grey and can´t be pushed.
Any tips, what I´m doing wrong? Thank you for any input!