OWLsy - a port of OpenWare to Daisy platform

I was getting “ERROR Invalid bootloader” for a little while then - but removing the sdcard and going through the process again seemed to work.

So yes, now it looks like the encoder is working for all params, but I’m still not getting any joy with the knobs.
I’m confident the knobs work fine, I’m using them in my other patches without any problems.

EDIT: MIDI looks like it’s working fine too, at least via USB.


This error indicates that you were trying to flash something that is not a bootloader when firmware was running. Most likely you didn’t switch to bootloader mode and were trying to flash firmware. I suspect that SD card removal might be just a coincidence, the actual problem was that the sysex command to trigger bootloader mode didn’t arrive or its data was corrupt.

Hi, this project seems very interesting ! But I’m not sure I understood correctly. Is the tool available for a simple daisy seed or not?
Thanks a lot !

Running on modules without any peripherals is not something that is particularly interesting in my opinion. But there’s nothing stopping you from doing this if you want to be able to only control it by MIDI, using POD firmware makes most sense in this case. It would make more sense to use the actual POD as it gives you headphones preamp and ability to switch patches stored on devices.

Hello, thank you for your response.
Maybe my question was not very clear but I have a lot of peripherals on my daisy seed, potentiometers, switches etc. (if that’s what you call peripherals), I mainly wanted to know if this tool would work on a simple daisy seed, and you seem to say yes with the Pod firmware so I’ll give it a try sometime I think :slight_smile:


Hello again,

finally I have finished building a Bluemchen and I like to varify the procedure to install everything (OWLsy).

I´m just trying to install

  1. MidiBoot-Bluemchen-v0.3.bin (bootloader usually only once need at first installment?)
  2. Bluemchen.syx (latest firmware to run Owlsy)
  3. Owlgazer_Shimmer_Reverb.syx (app as an example; I just copy any app .syx to the SD-card at top folder right?)

I run the latest Google Chrome and tried to connect the Daisy Seed via Daisy Web Programmer
It seems to be connected (not 100% sure), but the program button is still grey and can´t be pushed.
Any tips, what I´m doing wrong? Thank you for any input!

Daisy Web Programmer is only usable to flash bootloader. At least I think it used to work for me in the past. You can also use Rebeltech DFU utility instead, but you must use its advanced mode to flash it at correct address, it won’t work otherwise.

Firmware is flashed from the Rebeltech firmware update tool

And for patches you should use patch library

There are alternatives to this that don’t require using browser too, of course.

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Thank you @antisvin,
some progress here. Found out, that I just needed to reinstall/update the driver with zadig. After this the Daisy web programmer worked again. I installed MidiBoot-Bluemchen-v0.3.bin and Bluemchen.syx. System is running on my module. But I´m a bit curious how to use the https://www.rebeltech.org/patch-library/patches/latest.
Do I need an account maybe?
On the device header I see Midi IN/OUT: OWL BOOT, which give me the impression, that Bluemchen is connected, right?
If I go to the “popular” header to choose a patch to load onto the Daisy Seed, I can click “load” or “store”. Nor of those options seem to load the patch onto the Daisy Seed.
Do I need to power to module with Eurorack?
Maybe I need to format the SD-card before or “activate” the SD-card in the Bluemchen menue, which seems not to work?
Grateful for any hints!

According to USB device name you’re in bootloader mode, this is typically because you haven’t rebooted after flashing firmware yet or haven’t flashed it successfully at all.

Here is a screenshot of the display. Doesn´t that mean that bluemchen.sys has sucessfully been flashed?

Hi guys!
I’ve finished building a Patch.init() and I’m trying to do some cool stuff with it. I came across OWLsy and I’m a huge fan! It means I can port my Faust code to run on the Daisy quite seamlessly! However, there is one thing that is slightly annoying, whenever I power cycle my rack, it loses the knob state and resets to the default values. I assume this is due to the soft takeover since it also happens when switching between patches. Is there an easy way to disable this soft takeover for the frontpanel controls? (I don’t mind doing some coding and/or building from source) Thanks in advance!



Yeah, soft takeover functionality is intended to make parameters bound to ADC inputs to be overridable by MIDI. It sounds like it starts in a locked state when it’s not supposed to. So it should be solved not by disabling, but by fixing its current behavior.

Let me know if you manage to build firmware on your own, in such case I can let you know what to try modifying Patch.init UI controller source. I’ll probably get to fixing this myself in a few days along with other devices that have the same problem.

Hmm okay, I’m at the point where I think I’m ready to run the make command. However, it instantly throws a syntax error. Do you have any idea? I understood the instructions as that I first have to generate the code using CubeMX and the .ioc file and then run GNU Make (after having set the TOOLROOT), I also tried without CubeMX (by reverting the changes) but no effect. I checked out the branch ‘daisy’ btw.

MINGW64 /c/GitHub/OpenWare_Owlsy/OpenWare_Owlsy/PatchInit (daisy)
$ make
mkdir ./Build
/usr/bin/sh: -c: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `('
/usr/bin/sh: -c: line 1: `/c/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/10 2021.10/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -O2 -nostdlib -nostartfiles -fno-builtin -ffreestanding -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fno-builtin -ffreestanding -DDAISY -DPATCH_INIT -DPATCH_SM -mtune=cortex-m7 -DOWL_ARCH_H7 -DGIT_REVISION='"daisy 019353d6 Release"' -O2 -std=gnu99 -mcpu=cortex-m7 -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16 -mthumb -fsingle-precision-constant -I./../Libraries/Drivers/CMSIS/Include -I./../Libraries/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32H7xx/Include -I./../Libraries/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc  -I./../Source -I./../LibSource -I./Inc -I./../Libraries/Middlewares/ST/STM32_USB_Host_Library/Core/Inc -I./../Libraries/Middlewares/ST/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/Inc -I./../Libraries/Drivers/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc -I./../Libraries/Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/include -I./../Libraries/Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM7/r0p1 -I./../Libraries/Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/CMSIS_RTOS -I./../Libraries/Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/CMSIS_RTOS_V2 -I./../Libraries/Middlewares/Third_Party/FatFs/src -I./../Libraries/Drivers/CMSIS/DSP/Include -DSTM32H750xx -DARM_MATH_CM7 -D__FPU_PRESENT=1 -MMD -MP -MF"Build/freertos.d" -Wa,-a,-ad,-alms=./Build/freertos.lst Src/freertos.c -o Build/freertos.o'
make: *** [../Hardware/common.mk:57: Build/freertos.o] Error 2

Ahh, spaces and parentheses in a file path. Grrr.

No, you don’t need to use CubeMX for this, this is only required for setting up a new project. The syntax error is likely because of the bracket in the directory name that doesn’t get escaped somewhere in Makefile

Hmm, the repository itself is in C:\GitHub\OpenWare_Owlsy\OpenWare_Owlsy so no spaces there, I forgot the escapes in TOOLROOT but after changing that I still have the same error :frowning:

Did you escape the parens?

I think so? This is my TOOLROOT:
TOOLROOT ?= /c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/GNU\ Arm\ Embedded\ Toolchain/10\ 2021.10/bin/

I’m out of ideas, I haven’t tried building this, and don’t have Windows.

It looks like even resetting parameters to unlocked state when a new patch is running won’t help with FAUST code. The problem is that setting parameter value would leave it in locked state again and that’s what every FAUST patch does on startup using parameter’s default value. There’s no standard way to disable this behavior.

For the time being I’ve made a firmware build that just disable locking altogether, since you’ve asked about something like this. But this means that you won’t be able to control parameters A-D with MIDI. With the next firmware release I’ll try to make it possible to enable/disable parameter locking on device via some knob combination in its configuration mode. But I’ll have to think what could be done here and also consider this behavior on other devices, so it might take some time to be ready.

Firmware build without takeover is here - https://filebin.net/lchzhlyys8waov3b/PatchInit.syx