The kxmx_bluemchen - An open source, 4hp, Daisy based Eurorack module

I have recently received an order of boards from JLCPCB and am in the process of acquiring parts to make kits. I’m planning to build one up this week to test. Please let me know if you’d like some, I have plenty!

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I think I’d love another 4hp original. Maybe two.

I’m pretty late to this party, but if anyone is making new kits I’d certainly be interested.


I’ve built one up and it appears to be working! I’ll put some firmware on it to test this weekend, take some pictures, and then start ordering parts to have kits. Please let me know if you would like a kit or a built module.

I will take it either way, kit or assembled.

Hi All,

An updated. I have a number of printed boards and I have all of the parts to make a kit, minus the screens, which I hope will arrive soon. When they do I will update and reach out to folks who would like a kit or assembled module. Sorry for the delay, I had hoped all the parts would arrive much sooner.


Interested in one as well!

Hej, where did you get the sdcard slot? Im searching for that for ages, not able to buy that anywhere!

This is the one I have been using:

Aaah, thanks. I found them too on mouser, but they refuse to deliverr them to Germany……

I think these are the same ones that Thonk has: Yamaichi Micro SD Card holder – PJS008U-3000 – Thonk – DIY Synthesizer Kits & Components

Hi All, I have all the parts and I have made up some kits. Please DM me if you are interested. I am asking 99USD + shipping for a kit without a seed. If you would like a seed or a fully assembled kit I am happy to provide that as well.


anyone got a granular sample player working on their blumechen?

Received two bluemchen kits yesterday, built one this morning. Pots, encoder, OLED, SD card,audio ins/outs, CV ins work.

MIDI doesn’t appear to work. Cables and adapter (Type A) are known good. Will investigate this more after I put the second one together.

EDIT: Solved my MIDI problem. The hardware_test program had a bug (wasn’t calling bluemchen.midi.StartReceive() ). According to Github, this had already been fixed, but it hasn’t been fixed in either of the bluemchen respositories I found.
ALSO, important: the silkscreen label on the bluemchen board for the MIDI cable type is in error, it’s got types A and B reversed.

EDIT, again: I added a wire to ‘normal’ audio input 1 to input 2. Convenient, and harmless. A jumper, or a cuttable trace - would have been nice for this. But it’s trivial to add the wire.

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Hi @teleplayer, I submitted a pull request to the Bluemchen repository for this fix a while ago, but it was never merged. I know @recursinging has been busy with other work and hasn’t had time to focus on Bluemchen in a long time. My fix was in a branch, as is common for pull requests to upstream repositories, but I have now merged it into the main branch of my kxmx_bluemchen fork. I will try to keep my fork up to date with new versions of libDaisy and can take PRs if you come up with anything cool.


Hi All

I just build my Bluemchen module and flash the Kxmx template from Oopsy package.
Everithing works grate ! :))

But first question the rotary encoder is not “usable” like a knob or a CV in the maxMSP programation ? I thought so. Currently it is used to change the visuals (IN/OUT) of the LCD screen.

Can it also be used as a user interface for interacting with the embedded maxMSP ?

I wanted to chime in to send my appreciation for designing and open sourcing this incredible module!

I recently went through the process of successfully ordering the assembled PCBs and building a few modules, and I wanted to share my experience and updates in case it helps other folks.

The PCBA files on the GitHub repository seem to be designed for 5 units in a single file. But since JLCPCB requires a minimum of 5 units per order, that would mead I’d end up with 25 pcb sets! So I edited the BOM & POS files to only include entries for a single board.

Next, I noticed that some of the parts were no longer available in the JLC parts catalog, so I had to source them from other suppliers and solder them my self.

I have created updated BOM & POS spreadsheets others can use, which include links to the missing parts from other suppliers.

The cost of 5 assembled PCBs & panels came out to about $50 shipped! Shortly after I placed my order, JLC has started charging an additional $16.50 for black solder mask on aluminum panels, so be aware of that upcharge.

Since I had to source parts from different suppliers, including some additional components for the front board, which added about $100 more (not including the Daisy seeds).

Once all my parts arrived, I got to work soldering and assembling. This was a really fun project to build and I’ve been having a great time digging into all of the DaisySP documentation. I’m eager to get hacking on this module.

Thanks again for sharing your amazing work with us!


Are the two links supposed to point to two different files? They both look the same to me.
Bluemchen is a very handy device, and super easy to assemble, I’ve got two of them.

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Good catch! I updated the BOM to point to the correct URL.

Hi everyone,
I´m new to “Daisy”. But I´m familiar to DIY. So building Bluemchen, is likely no problem. But, as I quite not yet have programming skills in this, I´m especially interessted to first try and learn from others creations to get an impression, if it something for me or not. I have quickly read (as a newbie) that it is “easily” possible to convert “patches” from other plattforms like Owl to Daisy/Bluemchen. As this module is already 3 years in the wilds, I would wonder, if there isn´t a library of useful “patches” done/converted by other users to just “drag&drop” to Bluemchen. Maybe anyone could point me to something like this, if existant. But if there are no nice “patches” to first play with as a “consumer” and to start with to get an impression of the programming possibilities of the module, would mean that I have to learn programming from the ground (C++, Max or similar), which I´m afraid of I can´t afford concerning time. But maybe programming little utilities and adjustments of already existing “patches”, I could imagine to be interessted in.

So can this also be a module for people, who are just like to use others “patches” as presets and maybe adjust things here and there in the programming to their preferences?
Or is Bluemchen mainly a “hardcore” programming module, which entrance skills are high to really have fun with the module?

Thank you for your rating and maybe links to interesting examples, which others already realized with it!