The kxmx_bluemchen - An open source, 4hp, Daisy based Eurorack module

Nope, they were in stock when was looking for parts. Prefer TL074s as they have a little better noise performance (on paper at least).

This is more of a question for @shensley, but as far as I am aware the PCM3060 is the codec of choice moving forward.

Sounds interesting, would you like to share what you’ve done already? I’d like to have a look.

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Hey thanks!

Nope, they were in stock when was looking for parts. Prefer TL074s as they have a little better noise performance (on paper at least).

Cool ok :slight_smile:

This is more of a question for @shensley, but as far as I am aware the PCM3060 is the codec of choice moving forward.

So i presume the driver in libDaisy is working. I’m not sure how to link it, though. But anyway i’ve ditched the external audio idea and used these pins for ADCs now.

Sounds interesting, would you like to share what you’ve done already? I’d like to have a look.

For sure mate! Should i share publicly? Maybe my mods made it unusable haha so maybe better to send you privately until it’s tested?
Just bear in mind that im an absolute noob and still climbing the steep electronics learning curve so you might be horrified at how i’ve added stuff on top of your original schematic haha :sweat_smile:
btw there’s now 7 knobs with 7 CVs instead of the planned 4. I think it could fit in 12HP but haven’t done PCB stuff yet.

I think i’d like to expand on this and use the last pin for more knobs via a multiplexer, it will be limited to lfo rate CV modulations but that’s ok (or just very weird sounding audio rate mods). Just knobs everywhere basically.
But let me know on above about public/private x


Yes, of course! I’m a proponent of sharing publicly, and early in a design process. Especially when it comes to self-learn side projects. I see two important benefits to consider:

  1. If people interact, show interest, offer advice, It will motivate you to keep moving forward, especially when you’ve had a setback.
  2. By documenting your mistakes, and their solutions, you’re implicitly helping other, future “noobs” find answers to their questions for as long as this forum remain accessible and indexed by search engines.

I’d suggest giving your project a name, then make a new thread here and describe what you’d like to accomplish, and how you plan to do so. If you’re unsure of anything, then just say so. The kxmx_bluemchen project started out the same way.


This is what I’m talkin’ about!
An “expander” with additional CV/Gate I/O would be sweet.

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Sweet ok! I agree with this philosophy :slight_smile:
I’ll set that up tomorrow! ^_-

Hey there!
Great Project, really intersted in a Modul.
How can i order prebuilt modules or PCB’s ?


Hi everyone,

I’ve almost exhausted my stash of parts. I have enough for 5 more kxmx_bluemchen (no more nechmeulb) DIY kits/modules in 3u/1u. Unfortunately I’m out of Daisy Seeds, so the last five will have to be BYO Seed. If anyone here is still interested, fill out my registration form, I wont be doing another run any time soon.

edit: They’re all now spoken for, so I’ve disabled the registration form.

Thanks to everyone that got a kit or module, I hope you make something beautiful with it, and if you do/did, please share it!


Thank you @recursinging, this unit is exactly what I wanted for a multi-effect slot in my rack, intended to be my own custom Happy Nerding FX Aid in the 3u size and a “master processor” with Dirt/EQ/Compressor in the 1u.
Here’s the first thing I made, before I re-examined my approach to how to deal with the +/- CV vs Knobs. (which will end up being a “select a parameter to attenuvert” thing)
It’s a quick and dirty Oopsy~ multi-effect that I made to test my build: delay, a reverb with dirt, and a 2-16 stage super adjustable phaser.
More to come!

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somehow the scroll function doesn’t work, when i have more than 4 gen~ patches on my bluemchen. it scrolls down, but the screen is not following. it works fine, when i have more than 4 parameters that i want to edit. is this a general bug?

I don’t know what the default behavior is on the Patch/Field, but it sounds like it might have to do with the smaller screen dimensions of the bluemchen/nehcmeulb. I’d suggest opening an issue in the Oopsy github repo.

If anyone was dying to run OWL patches on bluemchen, be my guest


Ohh I miss this train !
@recursinging any plan for a new batch ?

That’s awesome, thanks for the port!

Sorry, not in the near future.

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Bluemchen is working wonderfully so far, thanks a lot @recursinging!

Naïve question: Is it safe to have it powered via the eurorack PSU and connected via USB at the same time, or should the rack better be off?


It certainly is safe

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As @antisvin wrote, it is fine to connect your Eurorack power and USB at the same time.

If you’re developing in C++, do yourself a favor and get a STLINK-V3MINI - using that you can flash your seed without needing to press any buttons, and you can leave your bluemchen racked.


@recursinging I would like to order a board with SMD parts soldered at and I tried to put an order using the files from your website:

All good until the point where you select the PCB Assembly. It asks for the BOM but also for a Pick&Place File(CPL) file which is not on your website. I tried creating this from within EasyEDA but that did not work as it is not placing the components on the board in the 2d/3d overview. Are you able to help me or provide with me with a correct CPL file which works with the Gerber files from your site?

Thank you!!


It’s been over a year since my last PCBA run, so I’m not up to date on it any more. If I recall correctly, it was pretty buggy and challenging to get the order right, but maybe it’s better now. I’m not sure why you’re not able to generate a valid CPL file, but for reference, here’s one that I just generated.:

I had a look through it, and it seems fine to me. I removed all the through hole components. Maybe that will work better for you?

I have had a daisy seed sitting around forever and just came across this project. This module + Oopsy would really give me something to chew on!

Is anyone considered doing a JLCPB run of smd pre-soldered pcbs for this any time soon? I would defs be up for purchasing a pcb set :slight_smile:

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I have a couple of PCBs and some of the ancillary parts left over from my last run. PM me if you’re interested.

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