PlugData Daisy MIDI

is the MIDI for PlugData on Daisy Seed fully supported?
Would it be possible to make a multichannel sequencer that sends and receives MIDI simultaneously on couple of channels from Usb and the Din sockets?
To have Din IN, OUT and THRU sockets?
Thank you

What do you mean “fully”?

Currently there are some stability issues that need to be worked out → Bug: MIDI on Daisy unstable · Issue #175 · Wasted-Audio/hvcc · GitHub

Right now it is only possible to use the standard DIN input and out or the onboard USB port. All midi then goes over both setups (merged).

In the future (once things are stable) we want to expand the board.json to be able to define more MIDI i/o pins. Potentially using the concept of PD midi ports inside of the patch.

You can read more about MIDI here and here.

Thank you for your fast response and provided links.

I am developing a product, a multichannel midi sequencer based on Pure data (or Plug data) with usb and din midi capabilities. So far my choices are Raspberry and Daisy Seed. Honestly, I would much prefer to go with Daisy because it would save me a lot of hassle.

As I understood from the provided links:

  • There is an unknown bug that crashes everything from time to time. Is there any estimation when will this be fixed?
  • Now usb and din ports are merged providing “only” 16 channels of INs and OUTs simultaneously on usb and dins?

Except of these issues everyrthing is working fine?


Between now and sometime in the future.

Not sure how we can estimate something that is completely unknown :slight_smile:

Correct, you can still use 16 channels of course.

It is also possible to create the Thru port in hardware by simply passing the input to an output (with an optocoupler in between to electrically separate them).

Supposedly, it still needs a lot of testing but basic tests show that the implemented midi messages do work.

When the implementation is more stable I hope we will see more testing to verify it is good.

A post was split to a new topic: Porting PD patch to a different integration

We have a fix for the crashing bug!

It will hopefully come to the plugdata toolchain soon.