Pin explanation for absolute beginner

Can someone recommend a link to documentation/tutorials regarding the pin in and outs? I don’t understand what pin does what. I understand the software/Oopsy side, but I don’t have any experience with hardware whatsoever and I find it all a bit confusing.

I also read comments about different revisions of the seed and different pinout schedules, though I can only find one (the one from the shop, which seems to be an older revision?)

Can someone just explain what all these abbreviations mean perhaps?

What I presume, but don’t know for sure, is that I could use every ADC pin as a connection point for a slider/potmeter?

And does digital mean that it accepts 0 and 1 for an input, meaning I could connect switches to all digital inputs?

so that would mean I could connect 11 potmeters/sliders (pin 22 to 32 + 35) and 15 switches? (pin 1 to 15?)

No one has an answer to this?

You have got it right. The ADCx pins A0, A1, … can be used for analog input and, with the exception of power and analog audio in/out, all pins can be configured for digital input and output.

In general, the pins shared between multiple alternate functions and this is configured in software. Pin 22 (A0/D15) on the Daisy Seed, for instance, is either configured for digital input, digital output or analog input. If you follow the examples (e.g. Knob.cpp and Button.cpp) that you probably have downloaded already (Getting Started), you’ll see how that works.

For the more advanced alternate functions, there are also examples and the data books from STMicroelectornics will tell you what all the abbreviations mean. SD CLK and so forth. But faders and buttons is probably a more useful for starters. Good luck!

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Thanks a lot! And digital means I could connect a switch or a momentary button? Also, I am planning to go the Oopsy route, so no, I haven’t found or read the knob.cpp and button.cpp files because I really don’t know where to start. But thanks I’ll have a look at it. One thing that strikes me immediately, is that they use pin 35 for the button in the butto,.cpp example, which is an ADC, but if I understand correctly, I could use practically any of the other pins if I configure it right in Oopsy?

also, from this thread, it looks as if I could connect a ribbon to pin 16 for example as well? Which confuses me, because I was under the impression that a ribbon should also go in an analog input, and pin 16 is the audio input?

Sorry, Oopsy I don’t know the first thing about.

Pin 35 is called A11/D28 on the Daisy Seed pin-out. It also says SAI2 CLK. So those are three of the functions that share the same pin -depending on how the pin is configured (which you do in software). My guess would be that the pin can be configured as either analog in, digital in or digital out in Oopsy. But don’t take my word for it ;-).

but am I right assuming that the digital inputs could be used for momentary buttons and switches?

You are absolutely right. Moreover you would typically configure the digital input to use an internal pull-up resistor (or pull-down) instead of providing a resistor in your circuit with the switch.

Instead configured as an analog input, you could get readings from a ribbon controller.

If you instead configure the pin as a digital output, there are yet other applications. It’s all very flexible!

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thanks for your patience and the explanation. It is all starting to make a little bit more sense now!

Why don’t you get your “hands dirty”? At least to me, it’s so much more fun to try things out in practice.

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Yes, that’s what I intend to do. My seed is arriving this week. But I don’t want to fry something :slight_smile:

I have been working on a spreadsheet for this exact reason for a little while. Here is the link, please make a copy of your own before changing anything.

I used the STM32H7 datasheet in combination with the Daisy Wiki to pinpoint exactly which pins can do which things.

I am also working on an updated version to include all of the meanings of abbreviations and their wiring requirements. For the moment, there is an official series of STM32H7 videos made by the manufacturer that goes over every protocol on the chip. The information is VERY dense, and incredibly boring, but at least gives an idea of what each thing can do and what all the abbreviations mean.

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Thanks for those links! Really helpful.