My Daisy Guitar Pedal Designs on GitHub

@Transient Oh awesome, sounds like a fun project!

You are correct, the storage of parameters as u_int8 0…127 values was simply the quickest way to get this up and running and have it map to the midi cc parameter ranges. It’s my intension to improve this aspect, but I haven’t gotten around to it. There is no technical reason the way parameters are stored internally needs to be limited to midi range, and it would open up a lot more flexibility if I could support more types.

I touched on this issue a bit in the repo under the following tracked issue: Guitar Pedal Settings Storage is currently limited to 8 active effects with 16 parameters each · Issue #13 · bkshepherd/DaisySeedProjects · GitHub

I’m not sure when I’ll have time to actually make these improvements though. Hopefully something I can tackle sooner rather than later.


has anybody got the effects suite bin to flash?
the article sited is not specific and superfluous for a beginner.
and source code does not include items listed.

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Can you describe a bit more specifically what you tried? Once you’re cd’d into the Software/GuitarPedal directory of the main git repository, you should be able just to run make clean && make && make program-dfu to build the firmware and flash the Seed.

Let me try to clarify:

Source code for the effects suite is under the “effects-suite” branch of the GuitarML fork (not “main”). Switch to that branch, update submodules, build, then follow these instructions:

1 connect the daisy seed as normal, hold boot/reset like you would normally to upload to flash.

  1. Run “make program-boot” to upload the bootloader to flash.

  2. Press and let go of reset button, quickly press and let go of boot button. Should see sinusoidal led.

  3. Run “make program-dfu” to have the bootloader upload the effects-suite binary to SRAM.

To be honest I’ve think I’ve only done it this way, building from scratch, and not using the pre compiled binary in my releases. I assume it’s trivial but just haven’t done it yet.

Hope that helps!

im trying to upload the effects suite bin file Keith Bloemer has provided…

i feel there are assumptions in directions on this site leaving out critical info.
“switch to the branch with the effects suite” already said i couldn’t find it…

step 1, fine…
step 2 Run “make program-boot” to upload the bootloader to flash.
from where?.

Owner@troy-PC MINGW64 ~/~/Desktop/GuitarML (main)
$ make program-boot effects_suite_125B_OLED_SRAM.bin
make: *** No rule to make target ‘program-boot’. Stop.

sorry got my enclosures and was anxious to get out and test today at my jam…

I think this merits a short video tutorial, stand by!

I found an easier way to do the bootloader/SRAM process, here is a quick and dirty tutorial video:

It’s currently an unlisted video on YouTube, but feel free to share the link if anyone might find it helpful. Read the video notes for further information and links to the GitHub page and Daisy Web Programmer. I also added a link to the web programmer on the GitHub releases page.


Keith’s solution with the web tool works great - if you want to use the command line, you’ll need to install the Daisy toolchain. Make sure you also modify the variables in the Makefile to point to your installations of libDaisy and DaisySP. (The Makefile in the repo relies on a Makefile inside libDaisy which defines the program-boot target; if you’re getting that error then libDaisy probably isn’t being found).

Yikes, Triplets! Well done sir. I wanted to reach and see if there is a possibility of purchasing a pedal from you. My coding is ok, my soldering skills are juvenile, in the works. Fuzz & Feedback loopers working up the ladder. Ha Let me know!


@Aylos9er I’ll be building another batch of pedals soon - there are some hardware changes in the coming revision that I’m excited about. So far I have a few friends who want to buy units as well, but was planning to build a batch of 10-15 and sell a few, essentially at materials cost. If that’s of interest why don’t we DM about it.

I think @kshep is also selling kits.

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I am selling some, but I’m out of stock at the moment. I expect 5 more in this week, but they are all spoken for. I’m also working on a new revision, with some additional features, but it’s still a ways off. I need to finish the PCB layout and order a test batch and work out any kinks before I start selling those that’s probably at least a month out.

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i did install tool chain. and i thought i modified directory. thanks for places to look for error. perhaps i followed daisy setup tutorial multiple times and fluffed it up…

thank you ! that worked great. i quickly saw what i wasn’t understanding from the text.

solved: now navigation. mine says ‘overdrive’ on the top line but i cant figure out how to back out and get to where i can scroll through the effects with effects listed on the top line like your other video.

got it. unplugged and replugged and went to settings

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Do you know users from germany who buyed all parts in germany? Asking, because i like to build my own one and I dont want to get trouble with parts :smiley:

Personally, I don’t. I will say right now the POT I’m using the PRS11R-415F-S103B1 is out of stock everywhere for some reason. This has become my limiting factor to making more at the moment as I’m out of my personal stock of those pots. I’m actually making an alternate enclosure design that will accommodate using this Alpha pot instead 10K OHM Linear Taper Potentiometer Round Shaft PCB 9mm Doesn’t leave as much room inside the enclosure, but it still all fits.

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2 Sunday Jams. It was the First & second time out with the effects module as released by [keyth72].
i used the several of the amp models i think i ended up on splawn i was not familiar but was a great lead tone. it got me up to the level of the guy with all the expensive thought is, im already running in to a semi clean amp or a two notes CabM. so i would like to replace the cleaner selections with various distortion, overdrives and preamps. knob 6 is ir’s added to the model. is there an on off selection? the IRs it would be nice to have and acoustic guitar sim that worked with electric. delay was fun. cloud-seed and tremolo cool.chorus and flange can be achieved with a modulated delay. I need a Pitch Shift Octave down to emulate bass and a looper in there. with the amp sim it would be nice to have the left button scroll through the amp sims. ive spent some time familiarizing myself with git hub. found source code for the amp selection looked at the code. i have yet to obtain a re-amp situation… im guessing the output of amp data is the result of the collab suite. i know the terrarium “seed” pedal has looper. so i wonder if i start trying to figure this out my self where to get the best starting code. thinking that the example code is the most basic implementation and not already having elements of the platform. i guess im also asking what is involved in converting terrarium switches to the rotary encoder with screen output.

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While I did not implement a PitchShifter for direct input signal, I did share an initial version of a Multi Tapped pitch shifted delay that I have been working on in the latest merged PR, which uses the PitchShifter class for the delay taps.

What I think might be useful for you is to see the exact usage/allocation to SDRAM, as the class it self is ~130kB, so with running the application from SRAM, I had no choice but to move all of these to SDRAM, as even using one instance of PitchShifter overflows the memory allocated in DTCMRAM.

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I noticed that for the pitchshifter class, good to know there’s an easy workaround!

First off, just saying I’m new here. A little background, I’ve been been building pedals for a few years now (as well as amps and complete guitars). I stumbled across the Daisy while browsing pedal PCB. I went ahead and built a terrarium a while back but never did much with it. Fast forward to this week I found the Kshep github and would love to build one of these pedals. I’m tempted to just order the PCB and reflow the SMD version myself (worked for over 10 years in SMD circuit design and manufacturing) but was curious if anyone was doing a group order of PCBs and splitting the costs? According the to the github, at the time kshep put together the ordering instructions it looked like a little over $100 for 5 mostly complete boards from JLCPCB. Curious if there are enough members to make a group order and split the 5 boards up?

Thanks to all working on these things. I’m still trying to wrap my head around what this little board can do. I’m no stranger to far more basic units like arduino but these guys are stretching my brain a bit.

I’ve been meaning to order one or two, haven’t gotten to it. I’d be interested.