Daisy Patch CV inputs and Pitch and midi_io issue

The standard voltage range of the volt-octave is 0 to 10V. The daisy only accepts a voltage of 0 to 5 V. When I connect the pitch output of my arturia beatstep pro - I can see that most of the notes are clumped. Does this mean that I will not be able to use the CV input for work with the pitch from the sequencer? I also noticed that the daisy does not accept negative values in its pure form. Using the poke method, I found that the position of the potentiometer affects the range of values and to get the range 0 - 1 from the incoming -5 +5 volts, you need to turn the knob to the central position. (I use max msp gen~ and expert sleepers es-8 for meashuring)

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I tried running the midi_io patch from the oopsy examples. Everything works in Max. But after uploading to daisy, I didn’t get any sound. I tried the midi signal from different sources - the result is the same, nothing happens.

Hello @agrabovskiy,

From what I have in my EuroRack system I see a range of devices from 0 to 5V, along with -5 to +5 and 0 to 10V. One of the things that is nice about EuroRack is that one can use 5V to get a 5 octave range. (1v per octave) and from there tune different oscillators up or down from that base… or use the 0-5V to drive other parts of your gear… and if needed you can always bring in a voltage multiplier as well. So lot’s of great options.

Also, if one is building their own hardware, you can always create a 0 to 10v or -5 to +5V device as well.

I hope that helps a little bit.


Thanks @BHAudio! Yes, it seems that using some shamanism, you can get the desired result, but in any case, you will not be able to use the raw signal from the sequencer. It will have to be processed in some additional way. It is a pity that you can not read up to 10 volts. What about the midi?

Yeah exactly. The notion of a “standard” voltage range in Eurorack is kind of laughable… some devices like 0-5v, some like -5v-5v, some like -3v-6v, some only handle 0v-3v, some like 0v-8v, some like 0v-10v, and so on. But anyway, many devices also have offset knobs to shift that range, so what really counts is the peak-to-peak range.

In the case of the Daisy Patch, the CV inputs have a peak-to-peak range of 5 volts, and the knobs are offsets from zero. That is, the knob value (0-5v) is added to the CV input (whatever that is) and then effectively measured over the range 0-5v. So, if you want to handle -2.5-2.5v, put the knob at around 12 o’clock. If you want to handle -5v-0v, turn the knob all the way CW. There’s no way to get more than a 5vpp range, because that’s all the device can measure.

Whatever that 5v range is, it is mapped to the @min and @max of the [param]. If you didn’t specify @min or @max, that means 0 to 1. So, if you want to handle v/oct, I suggest setting the param to @min 0 @max 5 accordingly. (There’s also a helper abstraction included with oopsy (oopsy.cv2hz) to convert such a v/oct to Hz.)

I should point out that the cv/knob inputs on the Patch are not calibrated out of the box, and as yet, calibration is a TODO issue in the github. I’m hoping to get to that very soon. On my Patch it tracks somewhat well over a couple of octaves, but is pretty out of tune at the extremes.

Part of your OP I didn’t quite understand (“Using the poke method…”) – but hopefully this helps clear some things up?

I’m not sure how to help you with the MIDI example, it works perfectly here. I wonder if it might be the midi cable? The midi ports on the Patch are type A (I think the BSP has type B, so not compatible – you’d need to get/make/adapt the appropriate cable).

BTW I’ve done a lot of work on MIDI handling in the dev branch which adds far more convenient midi handling, like [param midi_cc1] etc. Hopefully this can be packaged up as the next release of Oopsy very soon.

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Re. your initial comment about the Beat Step. I was actually using a Beat Step Pro with Eurorack oscillators fairly recently.

For some strange reason, the lowest note of the BeatStep Pro by default (or at least on the one I was using) was sitting around 2V. I can’t recall exactly what it’s called, but there is a setting in the computer software for the device that allows you to adjust the lowest note to 0V.

Haha ))) Sorry. This is a Russian proverb. It probably sounds meaningless in English. It means finding a solution empirically

@grrrwaaa I have another question about reading wav files from SD card. I left a comment in the corresponding issue on oopsy github. Can you tell me about that, too?

Ey, what’s up. Just read this and wanted to add something. I had an Arturia Keystep and, as far as I know, I can change the voltage of the CV/Gate outputs by using the Midi Control Center software that comes with any Arturia. Did you check that?


Hi, this might be old but, did you find a solution to this?
I am trying to control my patch:init with my korg sequencer or with the Arturia Beatstep and some of the notes are clumped.
I did set the @min 0 @max 5 to the input and an oopsy.cv2hz after that.

Hi AgustĂ­n!

Patch.Init() actually has bipolar CV ins: Unreleased Oopsy bug fixes? (for bipolar CV inputs, etc)
And you should be able to access it early with the pre-release version of the new Oopsy: Oopsy Update Prerelease! Want to Try the New Features Early?

So you could perhaps shift the CV outs of your Beatstep to be -5V to 5V (assuming it’s 0V to 10V) and send that to the Patch.Init() and go from there? That should give you the full range of the Beatstep’s voltage out.

Hi Takumi, thanks for the quick response here and in Discord (I guess you figure it out it was the same person).
So you could perhaps shift the CV outs of your Beatstep to be -5V to 5V
I can’t do that neither in arturia beatstep nor korg sq64. I don’t necessary need the full range of the beatstep. Maybe 5 octaves is enough. The Problem I think is the scale, as you said to me in Discord, but I don’t know exactly how should I scale it.
I’m curious, nobody else has this problem? nobody else try to track pitch with v/oct cv?

btw, you can answer to me here or in discord, whatever is more convenient to you.

If you have a tuner, you can figure out how off the pitch is and shifting it up or down may be enough to work with.
I had to do something similar when I was sending out a CV from a DAC breakout board. I outlined the steps that I took to compensate for the slight deviation from the “correct” pitch: Sending CVs from Pure Data & Max/MSP (DIY Eurorack Tutorial) - YouTube
So I simply add (shifted up by) 5 hz (so it’ll be [+ 5.0] in gen~ right before your oscillator like [phasor]) and that worked fine for all 5 octaves. Any deviations that are + and - 12 cents are indistinguishable by the way.

As long as it sounds in tune with the other synths, any modification to the patch works :slight_smile:

Edit: this video may help too: Program Your Very Own Eurorack Module with patch.Init()! - YouTube

Yes, I am using a tuner. My problem is not to be just out of tune. Actually, with the sequencer, I can compensate voltages in steps of 0.01v, so I can totally tune an individual note. The problem is that if I tune in C, then when the sequencer goes 1 semi-tone up, C# is untuned by -10 cents, and D by -20, and D# by -30 and so on. Thank you for the video, I will choeck out ASAP.

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ok, I made a video showing how to adapt a max gen~ patch to use it into a patch:init. In it, I demonstrate how to do the CV to HZ conversion. The explanation of the V/Oct input is at 3:91

Hope it is useful.


Awesome! Thank you so much for documenting and sharing :slight_smile: