Cd4051 Multiplexer Tutorial Is Here!

Hi Takumi Fortunately, the new seed has been received. When I retested it, I found that the new version of osspy could not light the oled and encoder could not be used (I tested it on pod), and I found that the encoder had serious voltage instability. When I switched back to the old version, everything was normal again, except that 4051 could not be used. Is there any new progress on the repair.

Hi Shawn,

So the new prerelease version of Oopsy is not working with OLED and encoder? Since Pod doesn’t have an OLED, did you add it?

This week, I remembered that the encoder did not work with the new prerelease version of Oopsy. It does on the current version. Is this along the line of what you’re encountering?

I checked the post of oopsy upgrade and followed your steps, yes, there was a problem after the upgrade (oled and encoder) I used pod test and added oled, running my project on old oopsy was stable and work fine.I checked the posts and knew that others seemed to have similar problems.At present, I have not tested the operation of cd4051, it seems that flash can be successful, I use external power supply 5v test, the new osspy will eat electricity when operating encoder, the voltage will be unstable, the test power is 5v/200mA.I’m not sure if there is an updated version of oopsy I didn’t notice?

The GND and VDD on the pots are the opposite way from other references I’ve looked at.

On this link below the VDD is left and GND on the right.

I don’t want to go back to plugdata to work on my project for a while,:) because plugdata often crashes on daisy, but gen is stable. Hope it works out.

Yes, there’s an issue using components like an encoder with the prerelease of the new Oopsy. It works fine on the current version, so I recommend trying to get the Cd4051 working with the current Oopsy.

As for your other post (please post one at a time by the way, thanks!), plugdata has been constantly improving :slightly_smiling_face:
There’s even a new progress being made for adding OLED support right now. I highly recommend trying out the Cd4051 patch and json file I shared above to confirm that things are working fine on hardware side of things on your project!

Good luck!

From the angle in that photo (so the side of pins is facing us), the read analog value will decrease when you turn clockwise if you connect the left to VCC and right pin to ground.
There won’t be any issue with the hardware (like the Daisy frying or anything), but it’s more intuitive for the read value to increase when you turn clockwise.
For that reason most likely, many of the references that I personally have seen have the left pin connected to ground and the right pin is connected to VCC.

Hi, I was interested in trying this out for patchSM, was there any working code confirmed for C++? Also I have some CD74HC4067 multiplexer - would this work with this example code if initialised for 16 channels?

I have seen community members getting a multiplexer to work Patch SM (here and also here with some modifications to libDaisy and etc), but we should offer a simple example code in the DaisyExamples when we get a chance in the future.

All CMOS chips must have a decoupling capacitor across the power pins.
This is even more needed when using a breadboard, and especially using high speed digital MCU along with CMOS on a breadboard.

If anyone couldn’t get this to work, try it again with a 100nF capacitor going from pin VDD to VSS.


From the datasheet

Each VCC terminal should have a good bypass capacitor to prevent power disturbance. For devices with a single supply, a 0.1-μF bypass capacitor is recommended.

It is acceptable to parallel multiple bypass capacitors to reject different frequencies of noise. 0.1-μF and 1-μF capacitors are commonly used in parallel. The bypass capacitor should be installed as close to the power terminal as possible for best results.
CD4051 Datasheet

Hint: You can even pass audio through the cd405x chips if you use bipolar power, -5v,0v,5v is most common but anything under 20 volts is OK.

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Hey @Takumi_Ogata, this is really helpful. Was struggling to get this to work, but all makes sense now.

Is there a way to set the values of the mux pins, e.g. to set the state of 8 LEDs? Guessing there is a SetMux equivalent, but can’t seem to find anything in the documentation that references this.

Thanks again,

Not to hijack the thread but you might want to consider using a modern ADB5206 instead.
I just made a circuit with a 4051/4051 combo (filter pole switching) and i struggled with the logic level against the audio level that can pass through.
Also, after adding two TL074 just to boost daisy level of 3v3 to 10V switching level i spent 4 ICs and over 30 passives just to get that done .And it would draw an absurd amount of power…
The ADB5206/ADB52067 on the other hand switch at 3v3 and let up to 48V of signal level pass…they run totally cool and need anything but 3-4 gateout pins as well.

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Mux C++ code for Patch SM. I shared this on Discord but thought it should be here as well. I made the code a bit more readable. Credit to Takumi for original code. You do indeed need to stop the ADC at Init.

#include "daisy_patch_sm.h"
#include "daisy_seed.h"

using namespace daisy;
using namespace patch_sm;

/** Global Hardware access */
DaisyPatchSM hw;

int main(void)
    /** Initialize our hardware */

    /** Configure ADC channel */
    AdcChannelConfig adc_cfg;

    /** Set ADC to pin A2/ADC_9 for 8 inputs and digital pins to D1, D2, D3  */
    adc_cfg.InitMux(hw.GetPin(DaisyPatchSM::PinBank::A, 2), 8, 
    hw.GetPin(DaisyPatchSM::PinBank::D, 1), 
    hw.GetPin(DaisyPatchSM::PinBank::D, 2), 
    hw.GetPin(DaisyPatchSM::PinBank::D, 3)); 

    /** Initialize the ADC with our configuration */
    hw.adc.Init(&adc_cfg, 1);

    /** Start the ADC conversions in the background */

    /** Startup the USB Serial port */

        /** Print the values via Serial every 250ms 
         *  Values will be 0 when inputs are 0V, 65535 when inputs are 3v3 */

        hw.Print("Input 1: %d", hw.adc.GetMux(0, 0));  hw.Print(" | ");
        hw.Print("Input 2: %d", hw.adc.GetMux(0, 1));  hw.Print(" | ");
        hw.Print("Input 3: %d", hw.adc.GetMux(0, 2));  hw.Print(" | ");
        hw.Print("Input 4: %d", hw.adc.GetMux(0, 3));  hw.Print(" | ");
        hw.Print("Input 5: %d", hw.adc.GetMux(0, 4));  hw.Print(" | ");
        hw.Print("Input 6: %d", hw.adc.GetMux(0, 5));  hw.Print(" | ");
        hw.Print("Input 7: %d", hw.adc.GetMux(0, 6));  hw.Print(" | ");
        hw.Print("Input 8: %d", hw.adc.GetMux(0, 7));  hw.PrintLine(" ")
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Awesome! Thank you for sharing here as well :slight_smile:
Greatly appreciate your contribution to the community.

I wonder if this breaks the code that handles the CV inputs?

I’ll check. I have been wondering seeing as you mentioned CV inputs. Is it best practice to use ADC for potentiometers or CV or does it matter? Is there a particular use case for CV 5v vs ADC 3v3 for using analogue potentiometers? Of course, I understand the need for 5v control voltage input for pitch from a sequencer.

I see in the datasheet:
Potentiometer example:
CV_1 to CV_8
ADC_9 to ADC_12*
*When using ADC_9 to ADC_12, use +3V3 instead of +5V OUT

It depends on what you need. The CV inputs are a more precious resource, and bipolar isn’t needed for pots. But if you need more pots, and less CV inputs, the CV inputs are fine.

I’m thinking the MUX code is more appropriate for Seed, since Patch SM already has code which takes control of ADC and CV inputs. This doesn’t mean you can’t use a MUX with Patch SM, but it would need some code which doesn’t reconfigure the ADC 9-12 inputs.

As for the +3V3 adc limit, I told you that multiple times, and it’s in the STM32 datasheet. Of course, a real schematic would be nice.

That clears it up for me. Thanks. I think I will reserve 2 ADC channels for linear potentiometers for Envelope and VCA with Mux and use CV for exponential pots like filter and oscillator. But have yet to explore this and being able to use exponential Decay/ Sustain with linear Attack/Release (is this done digitally) and being able to switch between linear and exponential like the Intellijel Quadra. I may also explore using SPI with D8/9.

There is no need to use anything but linear pots, they can be processed digitally to get any curve you like.

Fantastic. I thought I’d need Expo for volume etc. :slight_smile: