Versio vs patch.init() for a newb

I have an idea for (what I assume) would be very simple to implement multi-tap delay. The extra knobs and switches on the Versio appeals to me, and in my part of the world they seem to be more readily available on the used market than the patch.init()

Are there any extra challenges that I should be aware of if I choose the Versio over the patch.init() ? Or are they similarly complex for a newbie?

I have some experience writing basic scripts in Oython and Lua, and patching in Pure Data, but have never used C++ before

I have both. I suggest the patch.init()
The Versio is a great platform BUT it’s labeled as whatever-version you bought and that confuses my brain when I look at it. The bonus of it is there is always the official Versio firmwares to fall back on.
Patch.init() is laid out a bit more straight forward. As a first timer I feel you’re better off.
FWIW, I use Oopsy to program my things.

In terms of the actual programming, there isn’t any extra complexity (libraries, development stacks, limitations etc) required for the Versio? If the only factor is the pre-written labelling on the Versio, I might just send up buying the blank Versio panels that Noise Engineering sell

I would compare the features of the two boards, thinking about what kinds of things I’d want to do.

Number of CV inputs, CV outputs, digital (gate) inputs and outputs, switches, buttons, LED, SD.

Patch SM is a good value if its features work for your interests. But it also has some arbitrary-looking choices, which might be limiting, like a single toggle switch, single push button, single CV out, second CV out dedicated to the LED.
I think of it more as a demo and dev system rather than a fully realized product.