Unable to Flash Terrarium in Plugdata

Good evening,

I just built a PedalPCB. i am trying to flash a PD file in Plugdata but I keep getting Export Failed errors. Unfortunately I have no coding experience so I can not make anything of it. The link to the file is here.

--> Generating C
  1) e[91mErrore[0m pd2hv:  in "" @ (x:0, y:0): Don't know how to parse object "hv.freqshift~". Is it an object supported by Heavy? Is it an abstraction? Have the search paths been correctly configured?
  2) e[91mErrore[0m pd2hv:  in "" @ (x:0, y:0): Don't know how to parse object "hv.vline~". Is it an object supported by Heavy? Is it an abstraction? Have the search paths been correctly configured?
  3) e[91mErrore[0m pd2hv:  in "" @ (x:0, y:0): There was an error while connecting two objects. Have all objects been correctly instantiated? Have all inlets and outlets been declared?
  4) e[91mErrore[0m pd2hv:  in "" @ (x:0, y:0): There was an error while connecting two objects. Have all objects been correctly instantiated? Have all inlets and outlets been declared?
  5) e[91mErrore[0m pd2hv: [comment null object placeholder (hv.freqshift~)] in "" @ (x:0, y:0): Connection made to non-existent inlet at [comment {'text': 'null object placeholder (hv.freqshift~)'}]:0.
  6) e[91mErrore[0m pd2hv: [comment null object placeholder (hv.freqshift~)] in "" @ (x:0, y:0): Connection made to non-existent inlet at [comment {'text': 'null object placeholder (hv.freqshift~)'}]:1.
  7) e[91mErrore[0m pd2hv: [comment null object placeholder (hv.freqshift~)] in "" @ (x:0, y:0): Connection made to non-existent inlet at [comment {'text': 'null object placeholder (hv.freqshift~)'}]:1.
  8) e[91mErrore[0m pd2hv: [comment null object placeholder (hv.vline~)] in "" @ (x:0, y:0): Connection made to non-existent inlet at [comment {'text': 'null object placeholder (hv.vline~)'}]:0.
Total compile time: 2226.56ms
Compiling for custom...
make: C:/Users/paule/AppData/Local/Temp/Heavy-9d439989d70b567b2d7b2d/daisy/source/Makefile: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/paule/AppData/Local/Temp/Heavy-9d439989d70b567b2d7b2d/daisy/source/Makefile'.  Stop.

I don’t have a Terrarium, but those files (.pd and .json) produced source code and binary file successfully on my system.

These objects are from Heavylib, which is included in plugdata.

However there is a known problem with the plugin version that the PATH isn’t correctly read+set.
So I suspect you are using the plugin version to flash your Terrarium. Please try the standalone version of plugdata instead.