Trouble flashing seed with oopsy

can not get this to flash to my seed :frowning: get a compiler error , this is the error message i get:

gen_domain: dsp.gen: [string “gen2.Module”]:1653: assertion failed!
gen~: cannot export: gen patcher has no code

any idea? here is my patch. any help is truly appreciated!!

	"boxes" : [ 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "bpatcher",
				"viewvisibility" : 1,
				"offset" : [ 0.0, 0.0 ],
				"lockeddragscroll" : 0,
				"clickthrough" : 0,
				"enablehscroll" : 0,
				"enablevscroll" : 0,
				"lockedsize" : 0,
				"bgmode" : 0,
				"border" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-15",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"args" : [ "patch" ],
				"patching_rect" : [ 655.0, 509.0, 128.0, 128.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 0,
				"name" : "oopsy.maxpat"

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "newobj",
				"text" : "adc~",
				"id" : "obj-12",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 723.0, 235.0, 35.0, 22.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 2,
				"outlettype" : [ "signal", "signal" ]

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "attrui",
				"parameter_enable" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-25",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 634.0, 21.0, 136.0, 22.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 1,
				"attr" : "dub",
				"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "toggle",
				"parameter_enable" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-23",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 457.0, 8.0, 24.0, 24.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 1,
				"outlettype" : [ "int" ]

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "attrui",
				"parameter_enable" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-13",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 457.0, 40.0, 150.0, 22.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 1,
				"attr" : "recbuf",
				"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "attrui",
				"parameter_enable" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-1",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 261.0, 46.0, 150.0, 22.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 1,
				"attr" : "grain_size",
				"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "playlist~",
				"mode" : "basic",
				"timestretch" : [ 0 ],
				"parameter_enable" : 0,
				"formantcorrection" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-21",
				"basictuning" : 440,
				"originallength" : [ 0.0, "ticks" ],
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"originaltempo" : 120.0,
				"patching_rect" : [ 660.0, 94.0, 159.0, 54.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 5,
				"pitchcorrection" : 0,
				"clipheight" : 20.0,
				"outlettype" : [ "signal", "signal", "signal", "", "dictionary" ],
				"followglobaltempo" : 0,
				"quality" : "basic",
				"data" : 				{
					"clips" : [ 						{
							"absolutepath" : "isthatyou.aiff",
							"filename" : "isthatyou.aiff",
							"filekind" : "audiofile",
							"id" : "u844010861",
							"loop" : 1,
							"content_state" : 							{
								"loop" : 1

, 						{
							"absolutepath" : "drumLoop.aif",
							"filename" : "drumLoop.aif",
							"filekind" : "audiofile",
							"id" : "u263010857",
							"loop" : 1,
							"content_state" : 							{
								"loop" : 1

, 						{
							"absolutepath" : "ei_saw.aiff",
							"filename" : "ei_saw.aiff",
							"filekind" : "audiofile",
							"id" : "u336002932",
							"loop" : 1,
							"content_state" : 							{
								"loop" : 1

, 						{
							"absolutepath" : "cherokee.aif",
							"filename" : "cherokee.aif",
							"filekind" : "audiofile",
							"id" : "u692002230",
							"loop" : 1,
							"content_state" : 							{
								"loop" : 1

, 						{
							"absolutepath" : "/Users/martin/GL-SS Dropbox/Martin Hooke/Martin/__hooke__/_2023/Sample Pack/Hooke Sample Pack Normalized/RHYTHMIC_ARPBELLS.aif",
							"filename" : "RHYTHMIC_ARPBELLS.aif",
							"filekind" : "audiofile",
							"id" : "u988010829",
							"loop" : 1,
							"content_state" : 							{
								"loop" : 1

, 						{
							"absolutepath" : "/Users/martin/GL-SS Dropbox/Martin Hooke/Martin/__hooke__/_2023/Sample Pack/Hooke Sample Pack Normalized/TEXTURE_TAPEVOICE.aif",
							"filename" : "TEXTURE_TAPEVOICE.aif",
							"filekind" : "audiofile",
							"id" : "u764000949",
							"loop" : 1,
							"content_state" : 							{
								"loop" : 1

, 						{
							"absolutepath" : "sacre.aiff",
							"filename" : "sacre.aiff",
							"filekind" : "audiofile",
							"id" : "u986010865",
							"loop" : 1,
							"content_state" : 							{
								"loop" : 1

, 						{
							"absolutepath" : "talk.aiff",
							"filename" : "talk.aiff",
							"filekind" : "audiofile",
							"id" : "u249010869",
							"loop" : 1,
							"content_state" : 							{
								"loop" : 1

, 						{
							"absolutepath" : "FemVoice.aif",
							"filename" : "FemVoice.aif",
							"filekind" : "audiofile",
							"id" : "u306010873",
							"loop" : 1,
							"content_state" : 							{
								"loop" : 1



, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "number~",
				"mode" : 2,
				"sig" : 0.0,
				"id" : "obj-19",
				"fontsize" : 12.0,
				"numinlets" : 2,
				"patching_rect" : [ 714.0, 336.0, 93.0, 22.0 ],
				"fontname" : "Arial",
				"numoutlets" : 2,
				"outlettype" : [ "signal", "float" ],
				"fontface" : 0

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "attrui",
				"parameter_enable" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-14",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 437.0, 94.0, 155.0, 22.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 1,
				"attr" : "threshold",
				"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "attrui",
				"parameter_enable" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-11",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 245.0, 292.0, 150.0, 22.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 1,
				"attr" : "position",
				"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "attrui",
				"parameter_enable" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-10",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 261.0, 98.0, 150.0, 22.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 1,
				"attr" : "pitch",
				"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "attrui",
				"parameter_enable" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-9",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 250.0, 257.0, 150.0, 22.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 1,
				"attr" : "stereo_spread",
				"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "attrui",
				"parameter_enable" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-8",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 250.0, 223.0, 150.0, 22.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 1,
				"attr" : "spread",
				"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "attrui",
				"parameter_enable" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-7",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 261.0, 180.0, 150.0, 22.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 1,
				"attr" : "spray",
				"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "attrui",
				"parameter_enable" : 0,
				"id" : "obj-6",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 261.0, 138.0, 150.0, 22.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 1,
				"attr" : "density",
				"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "scope~",
				"id" : "obj-5",
				"numinlets" : 2,
				"patching_rect" : [ 323.0, 402.0, 228.0, 131.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 0

, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "newobj",
				"varname" : "martygranular",
				"text" : "gen~",
				"id" : "obj-4",
				"numinlets" : 1,
				"patching_rect" : [ 634.0, 236.0, 36.0, 22.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 3,
				"outlettype" : [ "signal", "signal", "signal" ],
				"patcher" : 				{
					"fileversion" : 1,
					"appversion" : 					{
						"major" : 8,
						"minor" : 5,
						"revision" : 4,
						"architecture" : "x64",
						"modernui" : 1
					"classnamespace" : "dsp.gen",
					"rect" : [ 291.0, 313.0, 1047.0, 712.0 ],
					"bglocked" : 0,
					"openinpresentation" : 0,
					"default_fontsize" : 12.0,
					"default_fontface" : 0,
					"default_fontname" : "Arial",
					"gridonopen" : 1,
					"gridsize" : [ 15.0, 15.0 ],
					"gridsnaponopen" : 1,
					"objectsnaponopen" : 1,
					"statusbarvisible" : 2,
					"toolbarvisible" : 1,
					"lefttoolbarpinned" : 0,
					"toptoolbarpinned" : 0,
					"righttoolbarpinned" : 0,
					"bottomtoolbarpinned" : 0,
					"toolbars_unpinned_last_save" : 0,
					"tallnewobj" : 0,
					"boxanimatetime" : 200,
					"enablehscroll" : 1,
					"enablevscroll" : 1,
					"devicewidth" : 0.0,
					"description" : "",
					"digest" : "",
					"tags" : "",
					"style" : "",
					"subpatcher_template" : "",
					"assistshowspatchername" : 0,
					"boxes" : [ 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "in 1",
								"id" : "obj-19",
								"numinlets" : 0,
								"patching_rect" : [ 85.0, -13.0, 28.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 1,
								"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "comment",
								"text" : "in de codebox waar c defined wordt staat een in1, ik weet niet zo goed waarvoor die gebruikt wordt en ik denk dat daar ook iets aangepast moet worden?\n\nals de spray gebruikt wordt worden er best wel wat kliks en pops geintroduceerd in de granular sounds enig idee hoe we dat kunnen smoothen of voorkomen evt?",
								"linecount" : 8,
								"id" : "obj-18",
								"numinlets" : 1,
								"patching_rect" : [ 167.0, 490.0, 288.0, 114.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 0

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "comment",
								"text" : "als ik bijv deze gebruik als start om de counter met een button te starten klinkt het beter",
								"linecount" : 3,
								"id" : "obj-17",
								"numinlets" : 1,
								"patching_rect" : [ 842.0, 93.0, 198.0, 47.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 0

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "comment",
								"text" : "als ik deze als start van de counter gebruikt is de opname heel noisy en distorted en niet clean, gaat iets mis. kan denk ik op een betere manier",
								"linecount" : 4,
								"id" : "obj-10",
								"numinlets" : 1,
								"patching_rect" : [ 860.5, 545.0, 220.0, 60.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 0

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "param dub 0 @min 0 @max 1",
								"id" : "obj-24",
								"numinlets" : 0,
								"patching_rect" : [ 663.5, 445.0, 169.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 1,
								"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "param recbuf 0 @min 0 @max 1",
								"id" : "obj-21",
								"numinlets" : 0,
								"patching_rect" : [ 645.5, 93.0, 182.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 1,
								"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "1",
								"id" : "obj-14",
								"numinlets" : 0,
								"patching_rect" : [ 629.5, 267.0, 19.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 1,
								"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "peek smpl @interp linear",
								"id" : "obj-11",
								"numinlets" : 2,
								"patching_rect" : [ 612.0, 490.0, 141.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 2,
								"outlettype" : [ "", "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "3000",
								"id" : "obj-2",
								"numinlets" : 0,
								"patching_rect" : [ 719.0, 135.0, 35.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 1,
								"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "mstosamps",
								"id" : "obj-1",
								"numinlets" : 1,
								"patching_rect" : [ 719.0, 165.0, 70.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 1,
								"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "param threshold 0.1 @min 0.01 @max 1",
								"id" : "obj-42",
								"numinlets" : 0,
								"patching_rect" : [ 645.5, 55.0, 225.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 1,
								"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "out 3",
								"id" : "obj-41",
								"numinlets" : 1,
								"patching_rect" : [ 953.0, 509.0, 35.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 0

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "codebox",
								"id" : "obj-40",
								"fontsize" : 12.0,
								"numinlets" : 1,
								"patching_rect" : [ 860.5, 184.0, 219.0, 216.0 ],
								"fontname" : "<Monospaced>",
								"numoutlets" : 1,
								"outlettype" : [ "" ],
								"fontface" : 0,
								"code" : "if (in1 >threshold){\r\n\tout1 =1;}\r\nelse {out1 =0;}"

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "slide 0 2000",
								"id" : "obj-15",
								"numinlets" : 1,
								"patching_rect" : [ 760.0, 281.0, 73.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 1,
								"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "abs",
								"id" : "obj-13",
								"numinlets" : 1,
								"patching_rect" : [ 744.0, 239.0, 28.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 1,
								"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "0",
								"id" : "obj-12",
								"numinlets" : 0,
								"patching_rect" : [ 691.5, 165.0, 19.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 1,
								"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "counter",
								"id" : "obj-3",
								"numinlets" : 3,
								"patching_rect" : [ 649.5, 342.0, 66.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 3,
								"outlettype" : [ "", "", "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "poke smpl @boundmode 2",
								"id" : "obj-7",
								"numinlets" : 4,
								"patching_rect" : [ 605.166666666666629, 392.0, 152.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 0

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "in 1",
								"id" : "obj-9",
								"numinlets" : 0,
								"patching_rect" : [ 612.0, 158.0, 28.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 1,
								"outlettype" : [ "" ]

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "out 2",
								"id" : "obj-8",
								"numinlets" : 1,
								"patching_rect" : [ 534.0, 490.0, 35.0, 22.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 0

, 						{
							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "codebox",
								"id" : "obj-6",
								"fontsize" : 12.0,
								"numinlets" : 1,
								"patching_rect" : [ 44.0, 15.0, 525.0, 457.0 ],
								"fontname" : "<Monospaced>",
								"numoutlets" : 2,
								"outlettype" : [ "", "" ],
								"fontface" : 0,
								"code" : "hann(count,size) {\r\n\r\n\tphz = count/size;\r\n\tphz *= TWOPI;\r\n\t\r\n\treturn 0.5 - 0.5 * cos(phz);\t\t\r\n\t\r\n}\r\n\r\npan (sprd, trig) {\r\n\r\n\tn = latch(noise(), trig);\r\n\tn *= 0.5;\r\n\tn *= sprd;\r\n\tn += 0.5;\r\n\t\r\n\tl = sqrt(1 - n);\r\n\tr = sqrt(n);\r\n\t\r\n\treturn l, r;\t\r\n\t\r\n}\t\r\nmake_grain(voice, count, buf, size, position, pitch, spread, spray, stereo_spread) {\r\n\r\n\ttrig = delta(count == voice) == 1;\r\n\tcount = min(counter(1, trig), latch(size, trig));\r\n\r\n\tpos = latch(position + (noise() * spray), trig); \r\n\tpos *= dim(buf);\r\n\tsprd = noise() * spread;\r\n\tsprd = pow(2, sprd);\r\n\ti = pos + (count * latch(pitch * sprd, trig));\r\n\r\n\tamp = hann(count, latch(size, trig));\r\n\tsmp = peek (buf, i, boundmode=\"wrap\", interp=\"cubic\");\r\n\r\n\tgrain = amp * smp;\t\r\n\r\n\tpan_left, pan_right = pan(stereo_spread, trig);\r\n\t\r\n\tgrain_left = grain * pan_left;\r\n\tgrain_right = grain * pan_right;\r\n\t\r\n\treturn grain_left, grain_right;\t\t\r\n}\t\r\n\r\nData smpl(44100,1);\r\nParam density(20, min = 0, max = 100);\r\nParam grain_size(100, min = 2, max = 500);\r\nParam pitch(0, min = -100, max = 100);\r\nParam position(0, min = 0, max = 1);\r\nParam spread(0, min = 0, max = 1);\r\nParam spray(0, min = 0, max = 1);\r\nParam stereo_spread(1, min = 0, max = 1);\r\n\r\nvoices = 30;\r\nsize = mstosamps(grain_size);\r\n\r\np = delta(phasor(density)) < 0;\r\npch = pow(2, pitch/12);\r\n\r\nc = counter(p,in1,voices);\r\n\r\nout_left = 0;\r\nout_right = 0;\r\n\r\nl,r = make_grain(0, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(1, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(2, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(3, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(4, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(5, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(6, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(7, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(8, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(9, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(10, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(11, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(12, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(13, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(14, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(15, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(16, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(17, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(18, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(19, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(20, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(21, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(22, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(23, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(24, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(25, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(26, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(27, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(28, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\nl,r = make_grain(29, c, smpl, size, position, pch, spread, spray, stereo_spread);\r\nout_left += l;\r\nout_right += r;\r\n\r\n\t\t\r\nout1, out2 = out_left, out_right;\r\n"

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							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "comment",
								"text" : "density (0 - 100hz)\ngrain size (2ms - 500ms)\ngrain pitch (-100 - +100)\nposition (0 - 1)\nspread (0 - 1)\nspray (0 - 1)\nstereo_spread (0 - 1)",
								"linecount" : 7,
								"id" : "obj-5",
								"numinlets" : 1,
								"patching_rect" : [ 437.0, 6.0, 150.0, 100.0 ],
								"numoutlets" : 0

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							"box" : 							{
								"maxclass" : "newobj",
								"text" : "out 1",
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								"numoutlets" : 0

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				"saved_object_attributes" : 				{
					"exportfolder" : "Macintosh HD:/Users/martin/Documents/Max 8/Packages/oopsy/source/",
					"exportname" : "martygranular"


, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "live.gain~",
				"varname" : "live.gain~",
				"parameter_enable" : 1,
				"id" : "obj-3",
				"lastchannelcount" : 0,
				"numinlets" : 2,
				"patching_rect" : [ 613.5, 362.0, 48.0, 136.0 ],
				"numoutlets" : 5,
				"outlettype" : [ "signal", "signal", "", "float", "list" ],
				"saved_attribute_attributes" : 				{
					"valueof" : 					{
						"parameter_longname" : "live.gain~",
						"parameter_mmax" : 6.0,
						"parameter_mmin" : -70.0,
						"parameter_shortname" : "live.gain~",
						"parameter_type" : 0,
						"parameter_unitstyle" : 4



, 		{
			"box" : 			{
				"maxclass" : "ezdac~",
				"id" : "obj-2",
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				"numoutlets" : 0

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	"appversion" : 	{
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		"revision" : 4,
		"architecture" : "x64",
		"modernui" : 1
	"classnamespace" : "box"

This forum post on Cycling 74 may be relevant to the issue you’re encountering: catastrophic breakdown of gen codebox - Gen Forum | Cycling '74

hmm, that doesnt really help me getting any further. bear w me, i’m just getting to terms with this as well. any other tips you could offer?

the only thing he found in the end is to add return statement to every function, but not sure where to begin with that tbh…

I’m sorry that I didn’t get a chance to look at the patch earlier. Yes, it does look like you have returns on your function so the solution in that forum post wasn’t related.

Unfortunately, the gen_domain: dsp.gen: [string “gen2.Module”]:1653: assertion failed! error doesn’t really provide us with a clue on its own. I double checked with a team member about this also.

In a case like this, the advice that I give everyone is to start scaling down the patch/codebox and compile each step until an error is no longer there. Then you will be able to pinpoint line (or lines) in the code that is the culprit.
One approach is for you to make a back up of this patch and then start building up the codebox (which I’m guessing is the culprit?) and compile step by step until that error shows up.

Once you find the cause of the error and is not sure about the workaround, I would be more than happy to look at it closer :slight_smile:

hi takumi,

thanks very much for taking a closer look!

would it help if i send you the full log, with quiet off?

the thing is i heavily relied on a tutorial for the patch and building the codebox from scratch and compiling along the way is kinda an issue for me hahah.

i will keep on trying and fumbling of course but if oyu would care to look i attach the partial log here (cause i can not add the full code because of character limits):

oopsy-verbose: “oopsy compiler error”
oopsy-verbose: “Error: Command failed: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin && make clean && make”
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from …/genlib_daisy.h:16,”
oopsy-verbose: " from martygranular_patch.cpp:36:"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:188:32: error: ‘t_sample exp2(t_sample)’ conflicts with a previous declaration”
oopsy-verbose: " 188 | inline t_sample exp2(t_sample v) { return pow(2., v); }"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-none-eabi-gcc/10.3-2021.10/gcc/arm-none-eabi/include/c++/10.3.1/math.h:36,”
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_def.h:33,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_rcc.h:29,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/src/sys/stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h:269,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal.h:30,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32H7xx/Include/stm32h7xx.h:186,"
oopsy-verbose: " from :"
oopsy-verbose: “/opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-none-eabi-gcc/10.3-2021.10/gcc/arm-none-eabi/include/c++/10.3.1/cmath:1342:3: note: previous declaration ‘constexpr float std::exp2(float)’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1342 | exp2(float __x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from …/genlib_daisy.h:16,”
oopsy-verbose: " from martygranular_patch.cpp:36:"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:190:33: error: ‘t_sample trunc(t_sample)’ conflicts with a previous declaration”
oopsy-verbose: " 190 | inline t_sample trunc(t_sample v) {"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-none-eabi-gcc/10.3-2021.10/gcc/arm-none-eabi/include/c++/10.3.1/math.h:36,”
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_def.h:33,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_rcc.h:29,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/src/sys/stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h:269,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal.h:30,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32H7xx/Include/stm32h7xx.h:186,"
oopsy-verbose: " from :"
oopsy-verbose: “/opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-none-eabi-gcc/10.3-2021.10/gcc/arm-none-eabi/include/c++/10.3.1/cmath:1828:3: note: previous declaration ‘constexpr float std::trunc(float)’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1828 | trunc(float __x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from …/genlib_daisy.h:15,”
oopsy-verbose: " from martygranular_patch.cpp:36:"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In static member function ‘static uint64_t Noise::uniqueTickCount()’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:228:22: error: ‘systime_ticks’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 228 | #define genlib_ticks systime_ticks"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:851:19: note: in expansion of macro ‘genlib_ticks’”
oopsy-verbose: " 851 | uint64_t time = genlib_ticks();"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from …/genlib_daisy.h:16,”
oopsy-verbose: " from martygranular_patch.cpp:36:"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In member function ‘void Delay::reset(const char*, long int)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1098:5: error: ‘genlib_report_error’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1098 | genlib_report_error(“failed to acquire data”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1118:6: error: ‘genlib_report_error’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1118 | genlib_report_error(“delay memory size error”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1125:5: error: ‘genlib_report_error’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1125 | genlib_report_error(“failed to acquire data info”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1130:4: error: ‘set_zero64’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1130 | set_zero64(memory, size);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In member function ‘void Data::reset(const char*, long int, long int)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1443:5: error: ‘genlib_report_error’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1443 | genlib_report_error(“failed to acquire data”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In member function ‘void Data::getinfo()’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1468:4: error: ‘genlib_report_error’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1468 | genlib_report_error(“failed to acquire data info”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In destructor ‘DataLocal::~DataLocal()’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1477:14: error: ‘sysmem_freeptr’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘genlib_sysmem_freeptr’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 1477 | if (mData) sysmem_freeptr(mData);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: " | genlib_sysmem_freeptr"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In member function ‘void DataLocal::resize(long int, long int)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1489:4: error: ‘genlib_report_message’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1489 | genlib_report_message(“warning: resizing data to < 256MB”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1492:24: error: ‘sysmem_resizeptr’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘genlib_sysmem_resizeptr’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 1492 | mData = (t_sample *)sysmem_resizeptr(mData, sizeof(t_sample) * s * c);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: " | genlib_sysmem_resizeptr"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1494:24: error: ‘sysmem_newptr’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1494 | mData = (t_sample *)sysmem_newptr(sizeof(t_sample) * s * c);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1497:4: error: ‘genlib_report_error’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1497 | genlib_report_error(“out of memory”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1504:3: error: ‘set_zero64’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1504 | set_zero64(mData, dim * channels);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In member function ‘bool DataLocal::setbuffer(void*)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1539:7: error: ‘genlib_report_message’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1539 | genlib_report_message(“couldn’t get info for buffer\n”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1543:6: error: ‘genlib_report_message’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1543 | genlib_report_message(“buffer locked\n”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1547:4: error: ‘genlib_report_message’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1547 | genlib_report_message(“buffer reference not valid”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In destructor ‘SineData::~SineData()’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1626:14: error: ‘sysmem_freeptr’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘genlib_sysmem_freeptr’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 1626 | if (mData) sysmem_freeptr(mData);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: " | genlib_sysmem_freeptr"
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from …/genlib_daisy.h:15,”
oopsy-verbose: " from martygranular_patch.cpp:36:"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:933:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 933 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_64(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:992:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 992 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_91(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1051:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1051 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_118(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1110:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1110 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_145(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1169:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1169 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_172(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1228:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1228 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_199(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1287:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1287 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_226(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1346:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1346 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_253(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1405:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1405 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_280(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1464:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1464 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_307(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1523:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1523 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_334(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1582:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1582 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_361(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1641:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1641 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_388(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1700:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1700 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_415(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1759:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1759 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_442(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1818:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1818 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_469(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1877:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1877 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_496(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1936:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1936 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_523(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:1995:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1995 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_550(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:2054:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 2054 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_577(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:2113:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 2113 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_604(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:2172:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 2172 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_631(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:2231:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 2231 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_658(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:2290:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 2290 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_685(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:2349:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 2349 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_712(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:2408:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 2408 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_739(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:2467:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 2467 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_766(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:2526:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 2526 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_793(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:2585:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 2585 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp: In member function ‘void martygranular::State::pan_d_i_820(t_sample, int, t_sample&, t_sample&)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:166:19: error: ‘arm_sqrtf’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘arm_sqrt_f32’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 166 | # define sqrt(x) arm_sqrtf(x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/martygranular.cpp:2644:16: note: in expansion of macro ‘sqrt’”
oopsy-verbose: " 2644 | t_sample l = sqrt((((int)1) - n_122));"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “make: *** [build/martygranular_patch.o] Error 1”
oopsy-verbose: " at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:397:12)"
oopsy-verbose: " at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:394:28)"
oopsy-verbose: " at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1067:16)"
oopsy-verbose: " at Socket. (node:internal/child_process:453:11)"
oopsy-verbose: " at Socket.emit (node:events:394:28)"
oopsy-verbose: " at Pipe. (node:net:672:12) {"
oopsy-verbose: " killed: false,"
oopsy-verbose: " code: 2,"
oopsy-verbose: " signal: null,"
oopsy-verbose: " cmd: ‘export PATH=$PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin && make clean && make’"
oopsy-verbose: }
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from …/genlib_daisy.h:16,”
oopsy-verbose: " from martygranular_patch.cpp:36:"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:188:32: error: ‘t_sample exp2(t_sample)’ conflicts with a previous declaration”
oopsy-verbose: " 188 | inline t_sample exp2(t_sample v) { return pow(2., v); }"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-none-eabi-gcc/10.3-2021.10/gcc/arm-none-eabi/include/c++/10.3.1/math.h:36,”
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_def.h:33,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_rcc.h:29,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/src/sys/stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h:269,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal.h:30,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32H7xx/Include/stm32h7xx.h:186,"
oopsy-verbose: " from :"
oopsy-verbose: “/opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-none-eabi-gcc/10.3-2021.10/gcc/arm-none-eabi/include/c++/10.3.1/cmath:1342:3: note: previous declaration ‘constexpr float std::exp2(float)’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1342 | exp2(float __x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from …/genlib_daisy.h:16,”
oopsy-verbose: " from martygranular_patch.cpp:36:"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:190:33: error: ‘t_sample trunc(t_sample)’ conflicts with a previous declaration”
oopsy-verbose: " 190 | inline t_sample trunc(t_sample v) {"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from /opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-none-eabi-gcc/10.3-2021.10/gcc/arm-none-eabi/include/c++/10.3.1/math.h:36,”
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_def.h:33,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal_rcc.h:29,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/src/sys/stm32h7xx_hal_conf.h:269,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/STM32H7xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32h7xx_hal.h:30,"
oopsy-verbose: " from …/libdaisy/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32H7xx/Include/stm32h7xx.h:186,"
oopsy-verbose: " from :"
oopsy-verbose: “/opt/homebrew/Cellar/arm-none-eabi-gcc/10.3-2021.10/gcc/arm-none-eabi/include/c++/10.3.1/cmath:1828:3: note: previous declaration ‘constexpr float std::trunc(float)’”
oopsy-verbose: " 1828 | trunc(float __x)"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from …/genlib_daisy.h:15,”
oopsy-verbose: " from martygranular_patch.cpp:36:"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In static member function ‘static uint64_t Noise::uniqueTickCount()’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib.h:228:22: error: ‘systime_ticks’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 228 | #define genlib_ticks systime_ticks"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:851:19: note: in expansion of macro ‘genlib_ticks’”
oopsy-verbose: " 851 | uint64_t time = genlib_ticks();"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “In file included from …/genlib_daisy.h:16,”
oopsy-verbose: " from martygranular_patch.cpp:36:"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In member function ‘void Delay::reset(const char*, long int)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1098:5: error: ‘genlib_report_error’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1098 | genlib_report_error(“failed to acquire data”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1118:6: error: ‘genlib_report_error’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1118 | genlib_report_error(“delay memory size error”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1125:5: error: ‘genlib_report_error’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1125 | genlib_report_error(“failed to acquire data info”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1130:4: error: ‘set_zero64’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1130 | set_zero64(memory, size);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In member function ‘void Data::reset(const char*, long int, long int)’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1443:5: error: ‘genlib_report_error’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1443 | genlib_report_error(“failed to acquire data”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In member function ‘void Data::getinfo()’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1468:4: error: ‘genlib_report_error’ was not declared in this scope”
oopsy-verbose: " 1468 | genlib_report_error(“failed to acquire data info”);"
oopsy-verbose: " | ^~~~~~~~~"
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h: In destructor ‘DataLocal::~DataLocal()’:”
oopsy-verbose: “…/gen_dsp/genlib_ops.h:1477:14: error: ‘sysmem_freeptr’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘genlib_sysmem_freeptr’?”
oopsy-verbose: " 1477 | if (mData) sysmem_freeptr(mData);"

just a small update, my friend had a closer look and figured out that removing the data from the codebox and putting it in a node instead helped and i am now also able to compile it. it still gives me the “gen patcher has no code” error but the oopsy node is showing:

martygranular compiling…
generated code
daisy not ready on USB
created binary 105KB

haven’t tried flashing it to the seed yet cause i dont have it near but hoping that will work tonight. keeping you posted.

Hi hooke!

For sure, this is the tricky thing about trying to compile another person’s patch that was not initially intended for compiling. It may work on the desktop but not necessary when compiling. And unfortunately, the console usually doesn’t provide information that pinpoint what’s wrong with the patch (or codebox in this case).

And this is exactly the approach that needs to be taken in a case like this :slight_smile:
I hope there will be some sort of sound coming out the Daisy Seed!

Another advice is that it will really help to understand what the patch is doing. Also, if it was from a tutorial, the creator (hopefully) went step-by-step, which means you can compile each step and pinpoint when it becomes an issue when compiling.

Good luck!!

hey takumi,

sound out of the daisy is hell-ish,l but there is SOME sort of sound haha. getting there step by step i guess :slight_smile:

learning as i go, some parts of the tut are way over my head but slowly but surely getting there.

thanks as always for the replies and help so far.

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