I am so disheartened that Electrosmith doesn’t open source the schematic or even provide an accurate .ioc file for STM32CubeMX. I bought mine on based on the presence of a schematic that I expected would be complete only to find later that it is unusable, i.e., intentionally incomplete. Furthermore, I saw that they provided .ioc file and of course assumed it to be usable and once again found that it isn’t – another piece of deception. Potential buyers should be warned that despite the implication of open source, it is closed. I find this hypocritical since Electrosmith wouldn’t even exist without the open source that they so heavily borrow upon when providing this product.
The people who created the device do not seem at all interested in any opinions regarding their singular interpretation of “Open Source”.
What’s more the predominant “community” response is to attack any questions about such interpretation.
Never forget : A product like the Daisy Seed fulfilled the real purpose it has when you bought it.
There’s lots of this out there in the wild.