ST Link and Cortex Debugger on Ubuntu 24.04

I built a new computer over the weekend and installed the new Ubuntu 24.04, so I thought I’d share a few notes about how I got everything working; not just flashing a Daisy Seed with the ST LINK-V3 MINI Debugger, but enabling full debugging functionality.

  1. Follow the instructions for setting up the toolchain at 1d. Installing the Toolchain on Linux · electro-smith/DaisyWiki Wiki · GitHubBUT with a few additions / exceptions:

    • sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev

    • Don’t install openocd from the Ubuntu repo if you’re using a ST LINK Debugger. Use the STMicroelectronics-modified OpenOCD found at GitHub - STMicroelectronics/OpenOCD: STMicroelectronics customized version of OpenOCD supporting STM32 MCUs and MPUs.

      • Building and installing is a typical ./bootstrap && ./configure && make && sudo make install affair. The --enable-stlink flag is set by default; you don’t need to pass it to ./configure.
    • Install libtinfo5 and libncurses5. This is required because arm-none-eabi-gdb in the version of the Arm GNU Toolchain that we’re using (10-2020-q4-major December 11 2020) needs it for terminal handling, which is how the Cortex-Debug extension in VS Code interacts with it. However, these older libraries are not available in the Ubuntu 24.04 repo; I got them from and and installed them with dpkg -i.

      • Note: using openocd/noble 0.12.0-1build2 in the Ubuntu 24.04 repo will generally work, but I’ve noticed wonkiness with debugging (breakpoints out of sync, registers unavailable, etc.). The STMicroelectronics version cleared this right up.
      • libncurses6, which was already on my fresh Ubuntu 24.04 install, will not work for our debugging setup. If you don’t install the older libtinfo5 and libncurses5 libraries, you might flail and rage for hours over the Cortex-Debug extension refusing to halt at your breakpoints. (Ask me how I know. :person_facepalming:)
  2. You probably don’t need to install STM32CubeProgrammer. I’ve read this is required in several places on the Internet, but it was not in my case. What IS necessary, however, is to deploy the appropriate UDEV rules so your debugger is accessible via USB. Here are the UDEV rules that STM32CubeProgrammer installs by default. (5.4 KB) Just unzip in an empty directory then:
    sudo cp *.* /etc/udev/rules.d/ && sudo systemctl reload udev && sudo udevadm trigger

  3. I strongly recommend confirming you can debug in the terminal before messing with VS Code and Cortex-Debug. When you know what Cortex-Debug is doing behind the scenes, it will help you troubleshoot problems later. Command line debugging can be as simple as opening two terminal windows and starting openocd in one, and arm-none-eabi-gdb in the other. For example, using the Blink example, in terminal A:

    openocd -s /usr/local/share/openocd/scripts -f interface/stlink.cfg -f target/stm32h7x.cfg

    At this point, the LED on the ST LINK-V3 MINI should be flashing red and green (or whatever your debugger does) and a gdb server is listening on port 3333. Now, in terminal B:

    arm-none-eabi-gdb build/Blink.elf.

    (NOTE: if you didn’t install the older libtinfo5 and libncurses5 libraries, this command will fail now, and Cortex-Debug will not halt at breakpoints in VS Code later.)

    Once the symbols for build/Blink.elf are loaded, connect to the gdb server started by openocd a moment ago:

    (gdb) target extended-remote localhost:3333

    If you can connect successfully, you’re good to go. But for bonus points, you can see above I’m halted at main(). That’s because I gave a break main and then a couple lay next commands. A-a-and we’re in. :metal:

    Important before moving on to VS Code: to stop debugging, type quit in terminal B and hit Ctrl+C in terminal A.

  4. If things are working to this point, then setting up Cortex-Debug and VS Code are trivial, but a few observations (some obvious, some not-so-much):

    • Change your configuration name to Linux, and make Intellisense work by selecting the correct compiler (10-2020-q4-major December 11 2020).

    • There is no need to mess with any custom paths in global Cortex-Debug settings. The tools this extension uses are all on your PATH if you’ve followed along. Any tweaks are better-made in the local launch.json and tasks.json files, IMHO.

      • In launch.json, update the line "runToMain": true to "runToEntryPoint": "main" to get rid of the warnings.
      • Use "showDevDebugOutput": "raw" for handy debug output in the Debug Console.
      • Also in launch.json there’s this:
"configFiles": [

But I like to full-qualify them (not necessary; I’m just the “belt and bracers” type):

"configFiles": [
  • I’ve made no changes to tasks.json. I’ve seen a lot of folks have to comment stuff out re: the build_all_debug task, but that’s not necessary on my new installation. (Whether or not we need a task that rebuilds the universe every time—IF it were working at all—is a different topic.:face_with_peeking_eye:)

So there it is. All of THAT, to get to THIS (which is blissful, BTW).

The ONLY way to debug ^^


That’s an EXCELLENT writeup! It (almost) makes me want to set up a Linux system. But I’ll stick to Mac for now…

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Hah! Feel free, er … libre, to come over to the light. With Ubuntu 24.04 being so new, I hope this helps a few fellow neck-bearded Linux geeks. :nerd_face:

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I was a Linux user for MANY years - going back to the days before CD installation.

cool! solved my issues on Ubuntu 22.04