Sr595 lib don't work when APP_TYPE = BOOT_SRAM


I’m using following code for manage a shift register and works as spected when load code as dfu, but if i change to APP_TYPE = BOOT_SRAM then shift register doesn´t work. I don´t know if is because GPIO i´m using or other issue…
Any of you had an issue like this?
Thank you very much

Make file when i will boot from SRAM:

# Enable print float numbers
LDFLAGS = -u _printf_float

# Project Name
TARGET = testShiftRegister

# Sources
`Preformatted text`CPP_SOURCES = ${TARGET}.cpp \

OPT = -Os

# Boot options

# Library Locations
LIBDAISY_DIR = ../../libDaisy
DAISYSP_DIR = ../../DaisySP

# Core location, and generic makefile.

include $(SYSTEM_FILES_DIR)/Makefile

testShiftRegister.cpp file:

#include "daisy_seed.h"
#include "daisysp.h"
daisy::DaisySeed hw;
daisysp::Metro metro;
ShiftRegister595 sr;
float samplerate;
uint64_t counter = 0;

// Process audio
void AudioCallback(daisy::AudioHandle::InputBuffer in, daisy::AudioHandle::OutputBuffer out, size_t size);
// Reset shift register values
void ResetSr();
// Set shift register values
void SetSr(const uint8_t &channel, const bool &value);
// Main function
int main(void)
    // Configure and Initialize the Daisy Seed
    // These are separate to allow reconfiguration of any of the internal
    // components before initialization.

    //How many samples we'll output per second
    samplerate = hw.AudioSampleRate();

    // Initialize variables
    metro.Init(1.0f, samplerate);
    dsy_gpio_pin srPins[3] = {daisy::seed::D29, daisy::seed::D30, daisy::seed::D27};

    //Start calling the audio callback

    // Loop forever
// Process audio
void AudioCallback(daisy::AudioHandle::InputBuffer in, daisy::AudioHandle::OutputBuffer out, size_t size)
    float osc_out;
    /** This loop will allow us to process the individual samples of audio */
    for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
            if (counter > 7)
                counter = 0;
        SetSr(counter, true);
        /** In this example both outputs will be the same */
        out[0][i] = out[1][i] = osc_out;
// Reset shift register values
void ResetSr()
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        sr.Set(i, true);
// Set shift register values
void SetSr(const uint8_t &channel, const bool &value)
    sr.Set(8 - channel - 1, !value);

That’s pretty strange. The shift register code is very simple, and doesn’t appear to do anything that would behave any differently in the Daisy’s memory regions. Does everything else continue to behave as normal?

Yes, is very strange. Maybe someone can reproduce using the code avobe if have a Shift register? . May be im doing something wrong, but when i download code as dfu works well.
The code avobe is just a part of the project that im working. If i download entire code to sram, reading adc and make some sound works perfect except Shift Register, very strange.

Thank you