Serial Port Helper VS Code extension help

After reading Getting Started - Serial Printing in the libDaisy docs I installed the Serial Port Helper extension in VS Code, but nothing comes up in the list of ports. I suspect it’s a configuration thing I’m missing, but I’m getting nowhere trying to figure it out.

Is anyone using this with Daisy Seed successfully? According to the docs, “Serial Port Helper extension for VS Code is simple to use, and works great with Daisy.” Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I tried to get serial port feedback in vscode as well but had no success. I tried serial monitor extension and got: **** Failed to open the serial port /dev/ttyACM0 ****
With the serial port helper I get no output at all when compiling the hardwaretest example and uploading it to the patch init.

Have you tried running

screen /dev/ttyACM0


screen /dev/ttyACM1

from bash? There is a chance daisy serial uses ACM1 if you have ST-LINK programmer plugged in.

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Is the ST-LINK programmer needed for serial output or is this possible without the ST-LINK?

The ST-LINK programmer is not needed as you can use USB to update the firmware. However, the ST-LINK programmer has two major benefits: it is a lot faster than the USB and allows debugging and setting breakpoints directly in your program.

The reason I asked about the ST-LINK being connected is because the serial output will show on /dev/ttyACM0 if only the device is plugged in and on /dev/ttyACM1 is both the ST-LINK and the device are plugged in.

I don’t have any experience with the VS Code extension, as I use one or more terminal sessions to build (make, make program, etc.) and debug over serial (screen /dev/ttyACMx).

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Thanks for the explanation. I understand now. No debugger here so it should work on ttyACM0. This gets also shown in serial monitor extension.

seems like screen /dev/ttyACM0 works when executed as root. perfect output of the HardwareTest example…

good one. after lots of playing around in vs code a simple sudo cat /dev/ttyACM0 did the trick for me

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I’ve just been down this road with the bootloader - “Serial Port Helper” didn’t work at all - VS code complaining about it having to be rebuilt and then a whole can of worms downloading jsnode and a ton of other bloat. So I tried using the “Serial Monitor” extension and it worked first time - even will automatically reconnect e.t.c. - super handy. I do have to disconnect it when I program-dfu and manually reconnect - but it’s worth the effort.