Hi There,
I’m trying to implement a very simple reverb using the Seed and have implemented ReverbSc in my code. I’m attempting to control the dry/wet mix of the reverb effect. However, when I implement a basic calculation, the reverb effect stutters a lot. It is most audible when the mix is turned mostly wet, and its a very periodic sounding stutter, almost like its overloaded the CPU.
#include "daisy_seed.h"
#include "daisysp.h"
#include <string.h>
using namespace daisy;
using namespace daisysp;
static DaisySeed hardware;
static ReverbSc DSY_SDRAM_BSS verb;
bool effect_state;
float reverb_value;
float vtime = 0.85f;
float vfreq = 20000.0f;
float wetCV;
static void AudioCallback(AudioHandle::InterleavingInputBuffer in,
AudioHandle::InterleavingOutputBuffer out,
size_t size)
// Check the effect state and set wetCV accordingly
float wetCV;
wetCV = 0.0f; // No reverb
wetCV = reverb_value;
float dryl, dryr, wetl, wetr, sendl, sendr;
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i += 2)
// Apply gain to input
dryl = in[i];
dryr = in[i + 1];
sendl = dryl * wetCV;
sendr = dryr * wetCV;
verb.Process(sendl, sendr, &wetl, &wetr);
out[i] = ((1.0f-wetCV)*dryl) + (wetCV*wetl);
out[i + 1] = ((1.0f-wetCV)*dryr) + (wetCV*wetr);
int main(void)
float sample_rate;
sample_rate = hardware.AudioSampleRate();
//setup reverb
// hardware.StartAudio(AudioCallback);
// Initialize UART
UartHandler uart;
UartHandler::Config uart_config;
uart_config.baudrate = 9600; // Match baudrate with Pico
uart_config.mode = UartHandler::Config::Mode::TX_RX;
uart_config.periph = UartHandler::Config::Peripheral::USART_1;
uart_config.parity = UartHandler::Config::Parity::NONE;
uart_config.wordlength = UartHandler::Config::WordLength::BITS_8;
uart_config.pin_config.tx = {DSY_GPIOB, 6}; // TX pin configuration
uart_config.pin_config.rx = {DSY_GPIOB, 7}; // RX pin configuration
uint8_t rx_buffer[2];
// Main loop
// Receive data from the Pico
uart.BlockingReceive(rx_buffer, 2, 100);
// Unpack received data
effect_state = rx_buffer[0];
reverb_value = rx_buffer[1] / 255.0f;
Curiously, when I simply just add the wet on top of the dry, it sounds fine (although the intended effect is to not have any dry at 100% max). Any ideas what is causing this? The following code snippet makes the reverb sound fine (although is not the intended dry/wet effect).
dryl = in[i];
dryr = in[i + 1];
sendl = dryl * wetCV;
sendr = dryr * wetCV;
verb.Process(sendl, sendr, &wetl, &wetr);
out[i] = dryl + wetl;
out[i + 1] = dryr + wetr;