Hello all! I am exploring my options for hardware eurorack virtual modular, so I can translate my Nord G2 virtual modular drumkit over to something I can mount in eurorack. I’ve made a version in Pure Data that I’d like to run on a Daisy Patch, but before I bought one I thought I’d try out the pd2dsy convertor and see how it came out.
I managed to factor out all the pd modules that heavy doesn’t support (vline~ and expr were not easy to eliminate!) and ran the compiler. On my first try, it failed because total flash memory was 150k, but the limit is 128k. When I added “–rom size” the memory seemed to be okay but it failed on “Invalid DFU suffix signature”.
Here are my questions:
Is 128k the limit for Daisy Patch?
Since this part of the compilation passed with “–rom size” can I assume my patch will work, or are there special considerations to deal with the different way memory is used?
Is the DFU failure just because I don’t have an actual Daisy connected?
In other words, at this point can I be reasonably sure that if I order a Daisy Patch, my patch will run on it?
no, you can also flash to SRAM and QSPI, which both require having the bootloader on the main flash memory. for dynamic tables (for delays and such) you will likely need to use a special linker that places them on SDRAM
see above for dynamic tables. these will not show up in the program size, but will be allocated when the program starts. so these might not fit on SRAM or QSPI, but may still fit into SDRAM when you use the ram size option
yes, dfu-util will try to flash the device which isn’t there, so it will obviously fail
I would also recommend you use plugdata for patching and flashing. Not only does it have a handy compiled mode that warns you of incompatible objects, it also includes a full compiler toolchain so you can flash your Daisy straight from the editor. It also has a much newer version of the compiler, which means you get additional bugfixes and features (like midi i/o).
Thank you for the plugdata tip! The integrated compile & flash is great, not to mention experimenting using it as a plugin. I see some discussions about bootloader stuff that will probably help when I get there, but it seems like I can probably get this working once I get a daisy patch.