Hi all,
I’m currently working on a Daisy Seed-based synth project (more details once I’ve gotten everything up on github), and development-wise, things have been going well - I had everything working under vscode, including debugging under OpenOCD with the ST link Mini V3. Things have now advanced to the point where I am uploading schematics, code, Freecad files etc on to github.
As part of this process I moved the project source folder outside the DaisyExamples folder tree, and now I find I can’t compile. I have made what I thought to be the required path modifications to the project Makefile, and c_cpp_properties.json, but when I try the ‘build’ task, I get the following error:
Executing task: make clean; make
rm -fR build
make: *** No rule to make target ‘build/startup_stm32h750xx.o’, needed by ‘build/SG-2.elf’. Stop.
The Seed examples still build without issues, so i assume it is some kind of path issue, but I’m struggling to find it.
Here is the project Makefile: project folder is ~/Projects/SG-2/Firmware/v0.1
, and the top of the Daisy tree is ~/Developer/Daisy/
# Project Name
# Sources
# Library Locations
LIBDAISY_DIR = ~/Developer/Daisy/libDaisy
DAISYSP_DIR = ~/Developer/Daisy/DaisySP
# Core location, and generic Makefile.
include $(SYSTEM_FILES_DIR)/Makefile
I am using VSCode 1.89.1 on Linux Mint 21.3 Virginia.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!