Plugdata UART4 RX from external Arduino

Hi everyone
I am writing to ask if there is the possibility of reading a value that comes to me from PIN D11 (UART4 RX Daisy Seed) (sent from an Arduino) and received in Plugdata from a simple r object.
How should I configure the json file?

A thousand thanks.

What do you mean with “value” here, analog?

It is a digital pin, so it can only receive digital values (0 or 1).

It is also one of the default I2C pins, so it might have a conflict there.

I am interested in receiving a string made up of 3 numbers.
Type: “111 222 333”.
A sort of…

Maybe it is not the correct approach to use this UART Rx pin.
But unfortunately I have no further information.

Something like this is not possible at the moment.
