Hi all, I am trying to play a note as long as a push button is being held and the metro ticks. I also have an adsr apply to the note being played. I currently get the button trigger adsr works very well, but I couldn’t figure out how the metro part.
I have a boolean variable called “gate” for the adsr, and trying to make the env.Process() when tick.process() && gate == true. Could someone help me with this question? Thank you!
#include "DaisyDuino.h"
DaisyHardware hw;
// Pin assignments
const int buttonPin = 26; // Pin for the button
const int ledPin = 27; // Pin for the LED (built-in on most boards)
// Audio stuff
static Oscillator osc; // oscillator
float amp_button;// Button for amplitude control
size_t num_channels; // NUmber of audio output channel
Adsr env; // Create envelope from Adsr class
bool gate; // Gate for activate/inactivate envelope
Metro tick;
void MyCallback(float **in, float **out, size_t size){
float osc_out, env_out;
//Processing Audio
for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++){
if(tick.Process() && gate){
env_out = env.Process(true);
env_out = env.Process(false);
// env_out = env.Process(gate);
osc.SetFreq(440);// Put it here to avoid click
osc_out = osc.Process();
out[0][i] = osc_out;
out[1][i] = osc_out;
void setup() {
// Initializations
float sample_rate;
num_channels = hw.num_channels;
sample_rate = DAISY.get_samplerate();
//Set sample rate
// Set up metro to pulse
tick.Init(1.0f, sample_rate);
//Set envelope parameters
env.SetTime(ADSR_SEG_ATTACK, .3);
env.SetTime(ADSR_SEG_DECAY, .1);
env.SetTime(ADSR_SEG_RELEASE, .5);
//Set waveform to sine
//Start Audio Callback
// Set up pin modes
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Use internal pull-up resistor for the button
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Set the LED pin as an output
void loop() {
// Read the button state
int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
amp_button = buttonState;
// Toggle the LED based on the button state
if (buttonState == HIGH) { // Button pressed
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn LED on
gate = true;
} else {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn LED off
gate = false;