Plans to support RNBO

Hiya! Just wanted to chime in with our thoughts here at Electrosmith

RNBO is super exciting, and seems like it may have a very promising future with hardware platforms like Daisy.

The compiled export currently supports a limited number of pre-built targets (plugin formats, and Raspberry Pi).
However, the C++ code export could potentially already be used within a Daisy project.
We haven’t looked into what kind of integration this would take, but we don’t have any immediate plans to develop anything specific at this time.

Based on the latest from Cycling74’s support page, there is a bit about bare-metal support (without access to the c++ standard library):

It may be possible to run without the C++ standard library support for more restricted “bare metal” hardware platforms, but currently it will require manual tweaking of the exported code, and is not an officially supported feature. We hope to improve RNBO C++ code export support for “bare metal” platforms over time.

If it’s something you’re interested in seeing supported, definitely continue to make that clear to Cycling74, and we’ll keep our eyes and ears out as RNBO matures.