Pd2dsy name error

Hi all,

stupid question maybe, but I tried my first conversion of a .pd-file to a .cpp and got this back:

“(base) PS C:\Users\andye\pd2dsy> python pd2dsy.py --board seed daisytest.pd
Converting daisytest for seed platform
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “pd2dsy.py”, line 162, in
File “pd2dsy.py”, line 137, in main
FileExistsError: [WinError 183] Kan geen bestand maken dat al bestaat: ‘daisytest’”

It says the name “daisytest” does already exist and cannot be used, while that is the name of the .pd-file, so I don’t see why that would be a problem for the name of the .cpp-file.

Any tips? Do I miss an argument in my command maybe?

Kind regards

It creates a directory base on your patch name for generated files. In this case, you already heave a directory or file called “daisytest”, so it can’t be created and that causes an error.

Thanks! As my first attempt wasn’t succesful, I didn’t expect there to be any output, but there was indeed already a directory plus file with that name as a result. Overlooked that entirely.