Starting out with Patch.init and Pure Data, I’m trying to figure out some basic things. I have audio in/out working fine, ctrl ins 1-8 also good. I’m using gate in/outs by sending alternating 1 and 0 messages.
However, I can’t get the button and toggle (the inputs from the module) to work. What’s the right naming convention and format? I was using Sw1 and Sw2.
Also, what’s the range of numbers/voltage out from the CV out?
You can use something like [r button @hv_param] and it’ll output a bang.
I think [r sw1 @hv_param] should’ve worked too as sw1 is one of the aliases that you see in the table on that page.
If you use [r sw1_press @hv_param] (and I think [r button_press @hv_param] should work too), it’ll output a 1 when pressed down and when you let go it’ll output 0.
I recommend connecting the output of these to the front panel LED ([s cvout2 @hv_param]). So for [r button @hv_param], connect a toggle object after it to toggle on and off the LED. And for [r sw1_press @hv_param], you can directly connect the output of that to the LED and see what happens.
And for the toggle/switch on the module, you can either use [r switch2 @hv_param] or [r toggle @hv_param]. Again, connecting it to the LED will be a good way to test and understand how it works.