I have i2c_1 already in use with the mpr121, so I want to run the oled on different ports. It works fine with the standard ports from the example, but no combination I tried works for other ports.
also running the oled as slave with adress 0x3D on i2c_1 is not working.
it´s the 1.3 inch azdelivery oled.
this is what I try:
I have the sdk and sda connected to the two ports above what is stated as 8 and 9 in the example, so this should be 10 and 11 and it shows as i2c_4 in the pinout.
/** Configure the Display */
MyOledDisplay::Config disp_cfg;
disp_cfg.driver_config.transport_config.i2c_address = 0x3C;
disp_cfg.driver_config.transport_config.i2c_config.periph = I2CHandle::Config::Peripheral::I2C_4;
disp_cfg.driver_config.transport_config.i2c_config.speed = I2CHandle::Config::Speed::I2C_100KHZ;
disp_cfg.driver_config.transport_config.i2c_config.mode = I2CHandle::Config::Mode::I2C_MASTER;
disp_cfg.driver_config.transport_config.i2c_config.pin_config.scl = {DSY_GPIOB, 10};
disp_cfg.driver_config.transport_config.i2c_config.pin_config.sda = {DSY_GPIOB, 11};