Hey I felt like sharing this because I felt like it:
What we have here is a sync-able beat slicer and separate delay for the patch.init
Button 1 (b7) - ACTIVATE = Delay mode - Momentary delay bomb OR Hold to keep on / Slicer mode enable slice repeat while held
Switch (b8) - Switch the knobs/button 1 between Delay and Slice mode
cv1 - Delay Time / Slice Length
cv2 - Sync on off for delay / Slice Delay (how many 16th notes the slice point is delayed)
cv3 - Feedback / Feedback after the activate button released
cv4 - Mix
gate1 - Sync in (mirrored to gate out 1)
cv5-8 unused so far…
gate2 in unused
gate 2 out trigger whenever a slice plays (because IDK why not?)
Sync in expects 16th note clicks, like most sequence things
Sync determines closest exact BPM, with averaging to avoid drift
Sync timing resets if no gate is detected after a while
Both modes run concurrently so delay mode can continue while switching to slice mode.
When switch is in Delay mode, button LED shows if it’s active.
When switch is in slicer mode Button LED flashes 1/4 note time.
Knobs are in pickup mode for both sides so twiddling them won’t affect each other and won’t change value when switching mode.
Feedback in slice mode allows the slice to repeat and fade out after activation release.
For ease of simplicity “the loop” is assuming a 4/4 time signature.
I think that’s it!
It’s a little kludgy having the delay mode sync on/off on knob2 but it is what it is.
Super fun and simple, this was really made as an exercise in getting my head around getting a solid sync clock scheme, synchronizing sample windows, discovering the joys of pickup mode knob hell, and stuff.
Also I love dub style delay drops and beat slicing in improvisational jams.
88kb compiled! Room for a tape mode on the delay???
This project is really a beta, but here it is.
BIN file : patch.init DDL/Slice b5
Max Project (edited): SlicedDL5