Maximum Audio Storage

Hi all,

new here, Pod is awesome!

That said, is there a limit as to how much audio I can store on the Pod? Here’s the project: I am creating 10 delays, each 1 minute long. At the end of each delay the audio is sent to the next one, and to the output, so they are piling up on top of each other until I stop feeding the delays. (It’s a specific piece that requires this approach, feeding stuff back into a single delay wouldn’t do what I want).

Turns out, for the 1-minute delays the playing stops after 3 iterations. If I reduce the delays to 30 sec, I get 7 iterations, and to get all 10 delays I have to go down even more. So this looks like there is a limit of about 3.5+ minutes I can store. Am I wrong, or is there something else at play?

I’m using the Pod, programming in gen~ on a Mac.

The patch should be fine, I’ve uploaded it in the past to a MOD guitar pedal, where it worked. I uploaded the 30-seconds version here - Droplr if one needs to check.

Thanks, Hans

It will depend on your samplerate, but at the default 48khz 1 second will have 48000 values that each take up 4 bytes (32bit float). For one minute that would mean about 11MB.

However we have 64MB SDRAM, so that would mean nearly 6 minutes.

Is that correct? I have seen this info pass around before, but that was years ago. Anyone have a good resource?

I could only find libDaisy: Getting Started - External SDRAM

ah, makes sense. It’s still only 3.5 minutes, not 6 (not doing stereo), no idea why. At least I know what I can test for now. Thanks!

Maybe there is some overhead that we are not accounting for here.
There might be some additional limitation in how gen~ is set up for Daisy as well.

Some more insight on this from those more knowledgeable would be good :slight_smile:

To do longer delays, you can reduce the sample rate and/or reduce the number of bits per sample. Using 16-bit ints (like a CD) doubles your time, sample rate of 32k would increase it by 1.5x.

So, if 48k/32bit produces 3.5minute max - then 32K/16bit gives 10.5 minutes.

I don’t know if or how this would be done in gen~

Thanks for the feedback. The funny thing is that for that particular project I can always go on stage with my laptop, it’s just I had the gen~ version ready so I could test it on the Pod. That said, there might be other projects where I need to reduce sample/bit size to get longer delays.

But all your feedback gives me an idea about the limits. Thanks, Hans