If I were to use a separate system to control a Daisy what would be the lowest latency means of controlling the Daisy?
For example, a custom control surface with a screen (likely a Raspberry something something) telling a Daisy what to do.
Clearly the Daisy is a lowest latency option for generating audio but not a large UI. MIDI has its own inherent latency as well so that’s the wrong option as well. For example, a custom Arduino MIDI controller running a Daisy with a MIDI input would be rather full of additional latency.
So what? SPI or I2cwith a custom messaging system? Hurts my brain a little.
What I am imaging is ridiculous, see attached picture of an ultrasound machine.
You could consider UART, it can usually be run up to 1 Mbit / sec, and then do some kind of command packet protocol on top of it.
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Also, you can get quite a few controls on daisy by using multiplexers, with no need for an external control system
Yes indeed I understand BUT
If I was considering a dedicated UI co-processor, I’d probably consider MIDI running at much higher UART rates. MIDI’s ‘inherent latency’ is mostly about the 31.25k Baud rate.