I’m starting with Daisy. And not sure what to use: libDaisy or DaisyDuino. So i’m curious what the differences are. Can you reach the same with both and is it just a matter of taste?
My goal in the end is some sort of sampler / looper. So a dealbreaker from one of those libraries would be loading/saving from SD card.
Background: I’m a (frontend) developer but i have also experience with Arduino / Teensy and C++. I don’t like the Arduino IDE, so i would like to develop in VSCode. I allready have everything setup. And have some examples running.
libDaisy+DaisySP is the native C++ programming system for the Daisy. DaisyDuino is a simplified system for Arduino IDE users.
If you’re already a C++/VSCode programmer, libDaisy+DaisySP is the way to go.
The only real advantage of DaisyDuino is access to the huge selection of Arduino libraries supporting sensors, etc. This can be quite handy.
Just started today with first steps. With a Seed and some buttons/LEDs/pots. Made a simple looper with adjustable speed (also negative speed so direction is reversed) and adjustable length. And in the meantime have setup everything so i can work smoothley.
Some more datapoints from someone who started developing with Daisyduino and is now in the process of porting a project over to libdaisy:
If you want to use the bootloader you will have to use libdaisy (to my knowledge)
there are effects, examples, etc. that work in libdaisy, that are not running as is in DaisyDuino.
DaisyDuino is a bit easier to get started with, especially if you have experience with Arduino and the way hardware I/O works on it. However the difference is not that crazy, although some things can be hard to find, e.g. if you want to find the equivalent of analogWrite() you need to dig a little (e.g. I ended up using RgbLed because that is what I worked on).