JamMate (initial)

So… after finally finding the time I started to put everything together.
I think it came out nicely. Of course not everything is implemented, debugged and polished.

Very initial version of a DaisySeed based multi effect with ESP32.
Demonstrating only basic functionality to keep this video short.
All major effects implemented: overdrive, distortion, delay, tremolo, pitch shift, harmonizer…
512 taps FIR Amp/Cabinet simulator.
Configurable Drum machine and Metronome
Looper (synced to the drummer/metronome)
1590B case
up to three encoders (only one is assembled in this version)
2" TFT screen (waiting for a custom cover to install it properly)
2 Footswitches
6.35 mm Stereo in and out (optional with stereo TRS jack)
3.5mm Headphones out
3.5mm Aux in
Full control with Android App (BLE) or with encoder
SD Card with FIR files and drum samples.
Stream in Bluetooth

Waiting for a fixed PCB and a 3D printed cover (can’t use metal case with bluetooth…)

There are alot of technical details in this small pedal. I will have to describe everything in another post. Thanks everyone here for the support.


Looks supercool!

I’m fairly new to the daisy seed eco-system, are the effects your own implementation? They sound very nice.

Regarding bluetooth and metal cases. There are esp32 devkits (assuming you are using a devkit) with external antenna, so that could also be a solution.

Oh, and are you looking to open source this?

Some of the effects are daisy-sp based.
The interesting ones are my own implementations or adaptations.
I have a dev-kit with external antenna it is slightly wider, but can be a pin compatible solution.
I am now testing the 125b PCB that arrived and organizing the code which is a mess right now.
Once I debug the PCB and organize the code I will post everything.

Alright, very cool!

I’m in the process of building a bkshepherd pedal. Looking forward to diving into the various effect implementations!

That’s a fantastic design you’ve got running. I’m very excited to look through the code once it’s posted.

I am currious what kind of hardware you’re working with, espesially the screen, I haven’t seen one like that before