Is an Audio In OLED oscilloscope possible?

Thanks @StaffanMelin and @brbrr! Truth be told this is the first I’m learning about ring buffers but y’all are totally right that’s the way to go! I see the ringbuffer class in libdaisy :open_mouth: Think there’s an example that uses it anywhere? I think I mostly get how it works but would like to see an example just in case.

Hmm it doesn’t seem like the daisy ringbuffer is a part of DaisyDuino? I suppose I’ll just build it from scratch or use a library

Update: Something is happening

When I first ran into problems with this project, and with my limited experience with microcontrollers, I didn’t think I would even get this far. I’m thrilled that this even at least looks like an oscilloscope, but I’ve kinda reached my limit of knowledge on how to troubleshoot its jumpiness and the tearing.

Here’s my code:

#include <CircularBuffer.h>

#include <AudioClass.h>
#include <DaisyDSP.h>
#include <DaisyDuino.h>
#include <hal_conf_extra.h>

#include <U8g2lib.h>

#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI
#include <SPI.h>
#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C
#include <Wire.h>

U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE, /* clock=*/ SCL, /* data=*/ SDA);   // pin remapping with ESP8266 HW I2C

DaisyHardware hw;

CircularBuffer<float, 526> buf;

size_t num_channels;
//float val; 
int displayWidth, displayHeight;

void MyCallback(float **in, float **out, size_t size) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    for (size_t chn = 0; chn < num_channels; chn++) {
      out[chn][i] = in[chn][i]; //bypass audio

void setup(void) {
  float samplerate;
  //  Serial.begin();
  hw = DAISY.init(DAISY_SEED, AUDIO_SR_48K);
  num_channels = hw.num_channels;
  samplerate = DAISY.get_samplerate();
  displayWidth = 128;
  displayHeight = 32;

void loop(void) {
  for (int i = 0; i < displayWidth; i++) {
    int smpl = constrain(((buf.shift() + 1) / 2 * displayHeight), 0, 128); //hard clip the oscilloscope
    u8g2.drawPixel(i, smpl);

The CircularBuffer size is kind of arbitrary as I tweaked it many times to see how it affected the visuals. I feel like at least one part of many of my problem has to do with the discrepancy between the refresh rate of the Callback vs the refresh rate of Loop vs the refresh rate of the OLED?

Is there a way to access the InputBuffer outside of the callback? I feel like I’d rather write the audio_in to the buffer within loop() instead of MyCallback? I don’t know if that would make it better or worse.

I’m using this library so I don’t have to write my own ringbuffer :stuck_out_tongue:


@donutshoes, great, you are really moving forward!

The ringbuffer is what lets you access the audio_in outside of the audiocallback (ACB).

Now you have to synchronize the drawing of the OLED. You are filling the buffer at 48K, so the distance between each value is 1/48k s. How fast is the OLED? If it is “slow” you might have to skip values from the buffer.

In eaither case, I think I would decide upon an update speed of the OLED. Say like 1000 Hz. Then you have a small timing loop in main() where you every 1/1000 sec take 48 values and take the mean of them and use as the Y value.

You can use:

/** \return a uint32_t of microseconds within the internal timer. */
    static uint32_t GetUs();

Looking forward to your next update!

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Ok so this is definitely performing better aside from an obvious bug that I cannot identify. As you can see, the oscilloscope works for a portion of the OLED screen and then seemingly uses a single y value for the rest of it.

Here’s the code:

#include <CircularBuffer.h>

#include <AudioClass.h>
#include <DaisyDSP.h>
#include <DaisyDuino.h>
#include <hal_conf_extra.h>

#include <U8g2lib.h>

#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI
#include <SPI.h>
#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C
#include <Wire.h>

U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE, /* clock=*/ SCL, /* data=*/ SDA);   // pin remapping with ESP8266 HW I2C

DaisyHardware hw;

CircularBuffer<float, 48> buf;

const unsigned long period = 1000; //period of time to perform an OLED update, in microseconds
const unsigned long countPeriod = 48; //averaging period, aka the number of incoming values to average
unsigned long previousTime, count, previousCount; //pieces of timer code
float avg; //average of samples
int lastSmpl; //used in OLED draw

size_t num_channels;
int displayWidth, displayHeight;

void MyCallback(float **in, float **out, size_t size) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    for (size_t chn = 0; chn < num_channels; chn++) {
      out[chn][i] = in[chn][i]; //bypass audio
      avg += in[0][i]; //continuously add up incoming values
      if (count - previousCount >= countPeriod) { //after 48 callback loops
        avg /= countPeriod; //average the added values
        buf.push(avg*2); //push to CircularBuffer, amplified
        avg = 0; //reset to zero
        previousCount = count; //reset timer

void setup(void) {
  float samplerate;
  //  Serial.begin();
  hw = DAISY.init(DAISY_SEED, AUDIO_SR_48K);
  num_channels = hw.num_channels;
  samplerate = DAISY.get_samplerate();
  displayWidth = 128;
  displayHeight = 32;
  lastSmpl = 16; //keeps edge pixel in one place

void loop(void) {
  unsigned long currentTime = micros();
  if (currentTime - previousTime >= period) { //when the period has elapsed
    lastSmpl = 16; //keeps edge pixel in one place
    for (int i = 0; i < displayWidth; i++) { //for every pixel the display is wide
      updateOLED(i, buf.shift()); //shift() means get first value in buffer and remove from buffer, pass i and that value into updateOLED()
    previousTime = currentTime; //reset timer

void updateOLED(int x, float val) {
  float y = (val + 1) / 2 * displayHeight; //map the incoming averaged value from -1, 1 to 0, displayHeight
  float currentSmpl = constrain(y, 0, displayHeight); //create currentSmpl value from y and constrain to displayHeight
  u8g2.drawLine(x, lastSmpl, x+1, currentSmpl); //draw a line from last sample to current sample
  lastSmpl = currentSmpl; //reassign last sample as the current one

The OLED I’m using is 128x32
Again I am using the CircularBuffer library I linked above
Bear in mind some value types might be weird as I was testing some very large numbers to see how it reacted :sweat_smile:

Here are some observations while messing around with some values.
A) The CircularBuffer size correlates to a delay between when the working part of the oscilloscope moves and when the straight line moves. The larger the buffer is, the longer the delay.
B) The working portion of the oscilloscope lengthens the smaller the Averaging Period is, with some kind of limit. Bringing the Averaging Period down to 2 lengthens the working portion of the oscilloscope to a little less than half the OLED screen.

I’m guessing this is still some kind of sync issue between the callback loop and the OLED framerate? I tried messing around with the period of OLED updates but nothing significant seemed to change that I could tell.

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I think you can simplify this. Sorry, can’t test this as I don’t have an oled and I am sitting on my balcony with a “wintercoffee” :slight_smile:

Instead of using the circular buffer from the lib. Create your own array of floats.

#define DISPLAY_WIDTH 128 // or whatever it is
#define DISPLAY_HEIGHT 48 // or whatever
#define CHUNK 48
float buf[DISPLAY_WIDTH];
uint8_t readptr, writeptr;
bool draw;

void acb()
we read CHUNK bytes
average them
save to buf[writeptr]
writeptr += 1 % DISPLAY_WIDTH
draw = true;

readptr = 0;
writeptr = 0;
draw = false;

void main()
if (draw)
y = buf[readptr] * DISPLAY_HEIGHT;
x = readptr;
// draw on oled
readptr += 1 % DISPLAY_WIDTH;
w = false;


Also I think that the acb is called for 48 values at a time, so you really don’t need a counter for this.

I hope this is not confusing.

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I mostly understand your code here, but I’m confused about a couple things.

“we read CHUNK bytes” - in a for loop? or some other way?

#define DISPLAY_WIDTH 128;
#define CHUNK 48;
void acb()
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    for (size_t chn = 0; chn < num_channels; chn++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < CHUNK; j++){
      avg += in[0][i];
     avg /= CHUNK;
     buf[writeptr] = avg;
     writeptr += 1 % DISPLAY_WIDTH;
     avg = 0;

like that?

“acb is called for 48 values at a time” - how so? is it delivered as an array? something else?

(also, I’m sure it was obvious but I’ve only been dealing with one channel’s input so far, will experiment with summing L+R once I have it working)

Oh wait, are you saying the averaging and writing to the buffer happen at the end of the acb? Outside of the two for loops?

Oop I understand now, thanks! :sweat_smile:

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Well hot damn, that’s an oscilloscope!!! Thanks so much for all your help with this, I learned a lot, both in coding fundamentals and how the Daisy works.

Here’s the final code I’m running:

#include <AudioClass.h>
#include <DaisyDSP.h>
#include <DaisyDuino.h>
#include <hal_conf_extra.h>

#include <U8g2lib.h>

#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI
#include <SPI.h>
#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C
#include <Wire.h>

#define DISPLAY_WIDTH 128
#define CHUNK 6

U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE, /* clock=*/ SCL, /* data=*/ SDA);   // pin remapping with ESP8266 HW I2C

DaisyHardware hw;

const unsigned long period = 1000; //period of time to perform an OLED update, in microseconds
unsigned long previousTime, currentTime;
float avg; //average of samples
int lastSmpl; //used in OLED draw

size_t num_channels;

float buf[DISPLAY_WIDTH];
uint8_t readptr, writeptr;
bool draw;

void AudioCallback(float **in, float **out, size_t size) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    for (size_t chn = 0; chn < num_channels; chn++) {
      out[chn][i] = in[chn][i]; //bypass audio
      avg += in[chn][i]; //continuously add up incoming values
  avg /= CHUNK;
  buf[writeptr] = avg * 2;
  writeptr %= DISPLAY_WIDTH;
  avg = 0; //reset to zero
  draw = true;

void setup(void) {
  float samplerate;
  //  Serial.begin();
  hw = DAISY.init(DAISY_SEED, AUDIO_SR_48K);
  num_channels = hw.num_channels;
  samplerate = DAISY.get_samplerate();
  readptr = 0;
  writeptr = 0;
  lastSmpl = 16;
  draw = false;

void loop(void) {
  unsigned long currentTime = micros();
  if (draw) {
    if (currentTime - previousTime >= period) {
      for (int i = 0; i < DISPLAY_WIDTH; i++) {
        float y = buf[readptr];
        int x = readptr;
        updateOLED(x, y);
        readptr += 1 % DISPLAY_WIDTH;
      draw = false;
      previousTime = currentTime;

void updateOLED(int x, float val) {
  float y = (val + 1) / 2 * DISPLAY_HEIGHT; //map the incoming averaged value from -1, 1 to 0, displayHeight
  float currentSmpl = constrain(y, 0, DISPLAY_HEIGHT-1); //create currentSmpl value from y and constrain to displayHeight
  u8g2.drawLine(x, lastSmpl, x + 1, currentSmpl); //draw a line from last sample to current sample
  lastSmpl = currentSmpl; //reassign last sample as the current one

When I first ran this with a CHUNK size of 48, the values appeared to be updating quite slowly. Decreasing the CHUNK size sped it up. I don’t know if there’s a different way I could be doing this? I’m not really questioning it since it’s working :sweat_smile:

My next step is to somehow figure out how to implement this functionality, would love to have a pot I can turn to alter the scale. I’m somewhat confident (potentially overconfident) in my ability to figure it out, but any suggestions are welcome (I don’t mean to exploit folks’ generous brainstorming on here)


That is frigging great! I am sure a lot of people will find a use for this so thanks for sharing!

I even started a project in openFrameworks to be able to help you better, but the frameworks are too different to be of any use.

Anyways, I was only the backseat driver you did all the work. And it looks awesome.

For working with pots, maybe you can find something interesting in my OscPocketD project? It has some connected pots and read and act on the values.

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I don’t think this does what you think it does.

You’re right, it doesn’t. Thanks.

Here’s the final mark 1 build!

Surprised myself by figuring out how to implement horizontal scaling, other knob is vertical scaling.

There’s one last thing that I can’t figure out though. If there isn’t a stereo plug plugged into the output, and if it doesn’t then lead to a stereo input, then the pots behave as if there’s grounding issues. AGND and DGND are bridged, and the audio jacks and OLED screen work fine regardless. I’d like it to be fully functioning even without needing to use the output.

Here’s the code:

#include <CircularBuffer.h>

#include <AudioClass.h>
#include <DaisyDSP.h>
#include <DaisyDuino.h>
#include <hal_conf_extra.h>

#include <U8g2lib.h>

#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI
#include <SPI.h>
#ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C
#include <Wire.h>

#define DISPLAY_WIDTH 128
#define CHUNK 6

U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE, /* clock=*/ SCL, /* data=*/ SDA);   // pin remapping with ESP8266 HW I2C

DaisyHardware hw;
size_t num_channels;

const unsigned long period = 16777; //period of time to perform an OLED update, in microseconds
unsigned long previousTime, currentTime;
uint64_t currentCount, previousCount;
uint8_t hKnob, vKnob;
float addIn, avg; //average of samples
int lastSmpl; //used in OLED draw
int avgPeriod = 6; //number of 6 sample 'chunks' to average, larger period means slower horizontal scaling
int vScale = 2; //vertical scaling amount
int previousValue;
CircularBuffer<float, DISPLAY_WIDTH> buf;
bool draw;

void AudioCallback(float **in, float **out, size_t size) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    for (size_t chn = 0; chn < num_channels; chn++) {
      out[chn][i] = in[chn][i]; //bypass audio
      addIn += in[chn][i]; //continuously add up incoming values
  if (currentCount - previousCount >= avgPeriod) {
    avg += addIn;
    avg /= CHUNK * avgPeriod;
    buf.push(avg * vScale);
    if (buf.isFull()) {
    avg = 0;
    addIn = 0;
    draw = true;
    previousCount = currentCount;


void setup(void) {
  float samplerate;
//  Serial.begin();
  hw = DAISY.init(DAISY_SEED, AUDIO_SR_48K);
  num_channels = hw.num_channels;
  samplerate = DAISY.get_samplerate();
  lastSmpl = 16;
  draw = false;
  hKnob = A2;
  vKnob = A0;
  pinMode(hKnob, INPUT);
  pinMode(vKnob, INPUT);

void loop(void) {
  unsigned long currentTime = micros();
  if (draw) {
    if (currentTime - previousTime >= period) {
      for (int i = DISPLAY_WIDTH; i > 0; i--) {
        float y = buf[i];
        int x = i;
        updateOLED(x, y);
      draw = false;
      previousTime = currentTime;

  //Stabilize potentiometers, assign values to horizontal and vertical scaling
  int h = smooth(hKnob);
  avgPeriod = map(h, 0, 1023, 1, 256); //
  int v = smooth(vKnob);
  vScale = map(v, 0, 1023, 2, 32);

void updateOLED(int x, float val) {
  float y = (val + 1) / 2 * DISPLAY_HEIGHT; //map the incoming averaged value from -1, 1 to 0, displayHeight
  float currentSmpl = constrain(y, 0, DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 1); //create currentSmpl value from y and constrain to displayHeight
  u8g2.drawLine(x, lastSmpl, x + 1, currentSmpl); //draw a line from last sample to current sample
  lastSmpl = currentSmpl; //reassign last sample as the current one

int smooth(uint8_t pot) {
  int result;
  int newValue = 0;
  const int numReadings = 48;
  for (int i = 0; i < numReadings; i++) {
    newValue += analogRead(pot);
  newValue /= numReadings;

  //additional stabilization? I don't know if it's doing much
  if (abs(previousValue - newValue) > 2) {
    result = newValue;
    previousValue = newValue;
  } else {
    result = previousValue;
  return result;

Nice work for getting this working!

I’m just trying to port this to the other daisy way, with vs code.

Getting a little stuck with porting properly. Using the patch’s OLED screen. Wanted to port exactly for now, but getting stuck.

Could be the micros() call, or the updating screen is slightly different with oled library in libdaisy.

#include "daisysp.h"
#include "daisy_patch.h"
#include "CircularBuffer.h"

#define constrain(amt,low,high) ((amt)<(low)?(low):((amt)>(high)?(high):(amt)))
using namespace daisy;
using namespace daisysp;

DaisyPatch patch;
#define DISPLAY_WIDTH 128
#define CHUNK 6

const unsigned long period = 16777; //period of time to perform an OLED update, in microseconds
unsigned long previousTime, currentTime;
uint64_t currentCount, previousCount;
uint8_t hKnob, vKnob;
float addIn, avg; //average of samples
int lastSmpl; //used in OLED draw
unsigned long avgPeriod = 6; //number of 6 sample 'chunks' to average, larger period means slower horizontal scaling
int vScale = 2; //vertical scaling amount
int previousValue;
CircularBuffer<float, DISPLAY_WIDTH> buf;
bool draw;
void updateOLED(int x, float val);
void starter();

static void AudioCallback(AudioHandle::InputBuffer  in,
                          AudioHandle::OutputBuffer out,
                          size_t                    size)
    for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
        for(size_t chn = 0; chn < 2; chn++)
            out[chn][i] = in[chn][i]; //bypass audio
            addIn += in[chn][i];      //continuously add up incoming values
    if(currentCount - previousCount >= avgPeriod)
        avg += addIn;
        avg /= CHUNK * avgPeriod;
        buf.push(avg * vScale);
        avg           = 0;
        addIn         = 0;
        draw          = true;
        previousCount = currentCount;

int main(void)
        unsigned long currentTime = patch.seed.system.GetNow();
                if(currentTime - previousTime >= period)
                    for(int i = DISPLAY_WIDTH; i > 0; i--)
                        float y = buf[i];
                        int   x = i;
                        updateOLED(x, y);
                    draw         = false;
                    previousTime = currentTime;
            avgPeriod = 6;
            vScale = 2;

void starter()
    lastSmpl = 16;
    draw = false;

void updateOLED(int x, float val) {
  float y = (val + 1) / 2 * DISPLAY_HEIGHT; //map the incoming averaged value from -1, 1 to 0, displayHeight
  float currentSmpl = constrain(y, 0, DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 1); //create currentSmpl value from y and constrain to displayHeight
  patch.display.DrawLine(x, lastSmpl, x + 1, currentSmpl, true); //draw a line from last sample to current sample
  lastSmpl = currentSmpl; //reassign last sample as the current one

If anyone with a Patch could have a look that’d be great. I think things are roughly in the right places, but I’m just getting a blank white screen and nothing else.

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this can be refined slightly but it works:

#include "daisysp.h"
#include "daisy_patch.h"
#include "CircularBuffer.h"

#define constrain(amt,low,high) ((amt)<(low)?(low):((amt)>(high)?(high):(amt)))
using namespace daisy;
using namespace daisysp;

DaisyPatch patch;
#define DISPLAY_WIDTH 128
#define CHUNK 6
CircularBuffer<float, DISPLAY_WIDTH> buf;
int lastSmpl; //used in OLED draw

unsigned long previousTime, currentTime;
uint64_t currentCount, previousCount;
uint8_t hKnob, vKnob;
float addIn, avg; //average of samples
int avgPeriod = 6; //number of 6 sample 'chunks' to average, larger period means slower horizontal scaling
int vScale = 2; //vertical scaling amount
int previousValue;

void updateOLED(int x, float val);
void starter();

static void AudioCallback(AudioHandle::InputBuffer  in,
                          AudioHandle::OutputBuffer out,
                          size_t                    size)
    //  for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
    //     {
    //         out[0][i] = in[0][i];
    //         out[1][i] = in[1][i];
    //     }
    for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
        for(size_t chn = 0; chn < 2; chn++)
            out[chn][i] = in[chn][i]; //bypass audio
            addIn += in[chn][i];      //continuously add up incoming values
    if(currentCount - previousCount >= avgPeriod)
        avg += addIn;
        avg /= CHUNK * avgPeriod;
        buf.push(avg * vScale);
        avg           = 0;
        addIn         = 0;
        //draw          = true;
        previousCount = currentCount;

int main(void)
    lastSmpl = 16;
            for (int i = DISPLAY_WIDTH; i > 0; i--)
                //updateOLED(i, 1.0);
                float y = buf[i];
                int x = i;
                updateOLED(x, y); 

void updateOLED(int x, float val) 
    float y = (val + 1) / 2 * DISPLAY_HEIGHT; //map the incoming averaged value from -1, 1 to 0, displayHeight
    float currentSmpl = constrain(y, 0, DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 1); //create currentSmpl value from y and constrain to displayHeight
    patch.display.DrawLine(x, lastSmpl, x + 1, currentSmpl, true); //draw a line from last sample to current sample
    lastSmpl = currentSmpl; //reassign last sample as the current one

void UpdateOled()

    patch.display.SetCursor(0, 0);
    std::string str  = "Hello";
    char*       cstr = &str[0];
    patch.display.WriteString(cstr, Font_7x10, true);

    str = "Working:";
    patch.display.SetCursor(0, 30);
    patch.display.WriteString(cstr, Font_7x10, true);

    patch.display.SetCursor(70, 30);
    cstr = "yes";
    patch.display.WriteString(cstr, Font_7x10, true);


@donutshoes you ok with me porting this? if you have a github happy for you to host that code on there if you’re ok with people using your work.

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Great to hear you got it working! I don’t mind you porting, I’m still quite new to developing, haven’t really used github yet :sweat_smile:

If anyone’s still here checking this out, I’m still having problems with my potentiometers with the Daisy Seed and I’m still interested in hearing any ideas for potential solutions

Hey thanks for this! How are you incorporating the CircularBuffer.h file with this? I was trying to use the one that OP provided but the .tpp file was giving me problems

I just chucked the header and cpp file into the same directory and linked with quotes

#include "CircularBuffer.h"

instead of <CircularBuffer>