Hi All!
We’ve been hard at work on Daisy Arduino support and have some updates for you:
DaisyDuino Library
We’ve combined both the ArduinoAudio and ArduinoDaisySP libraries into a single library called DaisyDuino.
This will not only make installation simpler on the user end, it will be easier for us to maintain. We recommend uninstalling the two old libraries and installing the new library with our pain-free installation instructions - see below:
Install Instructions
We have revised and simplified our installation procedure so that all you need to do is download a .zip file and load it from the Arduino IDE.
Check our the Getting Started Arduino Wiki for the new instructions.
We’re also working to get the DaisyDuino library added to the Arduino Library Manager so that it will be even easier in the future. More news on that soon.
New Examples
We’ve added many new examples which can be accessed from within the Arduino IDE. The examples are now organized by platform so that you can choose examples for your specific device easily (Seed, Pod, Patch, etc.)
Over the next couple of weeks we’ll be working on diagrams for the controls(pots, switches, etc.) in each example program as well as Fritzing breadboard diagrams for the Seed examples so that you can build the accompanying circuit.
We’ll also be jumping on MIDI examples for all platforms since there have been requests for that.
Just tried this with a fresh install and it’s working great! Thank you for making this simpler!
Working over here too! Thanks.
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The Daisy Arduino library has now been added to the official Arduino IDE Library Manager!
To install, simply search “DaisyDuino” in the library manager (Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries), and the library should show up.
Awesome, does this make updates easier?
Yes, I think it will automatically prompt you whenever there is an update!
That’s great news! Incidentally Arduino seem to be stepping up their IDE game so we finally might get better debugging in Arduino as well!
"Debugger - set breakpoints, view trace, step through execution and more."
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Figured I’d announce an update here as well!
V1.1.0 of DaisyDuino is up in the Arduino Library Manager
- Added Daisy Patch support
- Added several examples for the Daisy Patch, and a Knob example for the Daisy Seed
Worth mentioning many of the examples have a few dependencies now:
- MIDI Library by Francois Best, lathoub (tested with v5.0.2)
- U8g2 by oliver (tested with v2.26.14) - This is used for the OLED on the Daisy Patch
Hi Andrew!
I’m looking for a Daisy Seed footprint for Fritzing. Do you happen to have one, or know where I can download?
Thank you!
Here’s the Fritzing part file of the Daisy Seed.
DaisySeed_3a81a8ce8f7d4bc2a8a1e3fa3793cf77_8.fzp.zip (3.0 KB)
It’s outdated so we need to update it when we get a chance. For example, you would need to use the beta version of Fritzing to get it working.
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