Let me introduce myself, my name is Don and I’m more of a hardware inventor if you will rather than learning code. But my goal here is to figure out how to get the daisy to control two externally powered LED circuits GPIO listening for two frequencies at 19200hz and 19600hz where something called audio strobe signals are embedded in audio or music signals, that would control the LEDs. (Looking for the on off cycle of those frequencies and turn the LEDs on and off in the same pattern using PWM.
At the same time from the input of the audio signal filter or low pass only sub frequencies to run transducers for the table, that are already in the audio, or music being input.
Long story short, I’m seeking someone who can help me with the code one to one and hopefully be able to communicate openly to build something that can help those who struggle with mental health, anxiety and depression.
If you don’t mind me asking, is this a for-profit project or something you are planning to release as open source/open hardware?
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Not at all, I’m just an IT guy with a passion to help others who’s had my own share issue.
When I found out what helped me back up, I found myself down a rabbit hole of the how and why tech helped me bounce back, and when I found out that only the 1% (not me, but I do OK financially) couldn’t afford a FAST way to recover from mental health issues, I tried to structure a very low cost business with a sliding scale down to $10 it didn’t touch my costs so I support out of my home after work, and help using Neuroptimal Neurofeedback for recovery for first responders and those, ANYONE who needs it.
I’ve spoke with developers who work and developed their own version of this type of tech, but they ALL want subscriptions to use or buy or help, so… I ventured to try to come up with an easy to help/build way to spread support and will post ALL parts of this so others can grow from there.
More than willing to talk on the phone about they entire path with anyone willing to help
I recognize this device has so many fun things, but this is personal, and within a price point that I feel ANYONE can afford and I’d love to post the entire design online.
Check out things like the Roxiva RX1 Or Dream Machine Tech, or the Kasina from mine machine, but I have vision and desire to take the mindset of “Make it for all” for all.
Hope that answers your question.
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I have been going through some of the example code to try to understand the structure, and how each part interacts, I think thats where I could start to use some help.
Questions I would use some help to start with.
What is the best software to work within? Arduino IDE or other?
What is the best method to build out the code (Tools, debugging etc)
For me to understand how this “builds out” I would need to understand what parts of each script are static? (The same in each build that calls on the buttons, knobs, OLED, GPIOs etc)
Then I can start to understand how to break a multipart script out into separate parts, that at some point work in harmony.
For anyone reading this, I’m sorry, I’m a N00B but wanting to learn, and I hope I’m in the right place.
I do use ChatGPT to learn as well as a “coach” so if there are some things I need to get down as basics first, please provide in your answers and I’ll start there.
TIA. - Don
The best source how to setup the environment is this: 1. Setting Up Your Development Environment · electro-smith/DaisyWiki Wiki · GitHub
There is no best method, as it depends on the OS, language and user preference/experience. I personally use C++, make, VSCode, vim and gdb under Linux. Many people use PureData (PD).
For C++, I would should start with the Blink example and go from there.
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I know this is a dumb question, but would there be a “coach” who could help build and learn along the way? Sorry, I’m VERY new, but also very overwhelmed by all the options.
Is GitHub Copilot work the $$?
What I’m looking to accomplish, might be a bit outside the norm, so using samples or something “similar” might not be that easy to grasp and build from.
Never used any AI code generation tools, but unless their model is trained on something similar to what you are trying to build, then the chance to produce the code you need is slim.
It would be better to find code examples similar to your project in the usual places (stack overflow, stack exchange) before subscribing to paid code generation tools.
Another aspect of code generation is even if a tool can write the code you need, it will do nothing to find and fix any bugs in it. Fixing bugs requires deeper understanding of how the code works.