I’ve decided not to spend any more time learning the Daisy with my Pod.
I believe Daisy shows a lot of promise and has some fascinating possibilities.
However, the Daisy project, IMHO, is like using VCV Rack ver 0.3 or Blender 0.8, fine for the hardcore lot, but not even close to being ready for prime time.
Electro-Smith can do a lot to move the Daisy to VCV Rack 2.0 level, but I am not privy to their plans.
I’ll check back occasionally to see the progress, but with no disrespect intended, I’m not holding my breath.
I’m sorry to hear about this sentiment.
Please feel free to let us know more about what could’ve been helpful.
I know you mentioned about Pod-focued tutorials, which I addressed here:
What I personally recommend for you is to take a break from Daisy and focus on learning MaxMSP and gen~ which seems like the language that you’re committing to. And once you’re comfortable, start patching a custom synth. And from there, you’re ready to revisit Daisy by flashing that patch!
You can use the pod template to figure out how to map the hardware to the synth parameters in your patch. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have about this part.
Good luck and you’re more than welcome to come back!
And at any point in the journey, I highly suggest asking about what steps to take next.
Talk to you later!
Ogata-san I am not walking away, just like I never gave up on VCV rack back in the Dark Ages of 0.1 to 0.5 versions. But I AM currently wasting my time. E-S has something like 6 or 7 videos on their channel, which sums up my shock at how badly supported their products are. And yes I am aware of all the wikis and github pages and all the forums, etc. The Daisy is still a developer’s toy, but an intriguing one.
What I AM doing is keeping the notifications on–for the time–to be respectful of those in the forums who respond to my posts. However, getting a Pod answered my basic question, “Should I spend 500 dollars, or even 300 dollars on an E-S product?” Thank God I wasn’t that foolish, that my brief experience with the Pod as a ‘proof of concept’ shows it’s not ready for my purposes.
I HAVE reached out to E-S with the Guide and they were encouraging, so they know how to find me
We’re always working hard on documentations and videos, so I hope that you will be surprised with all the new resources when you come back!
I greatly appreciate your patience. Thanks!
I like your choice from the ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide’ series for the thread title. Using the various Daisy products, as well as many other company’s products, sometimes reminds me of the “Sirius Cybernetics Corporation” from the book:
It is very easy to be blinded to the essential uselessness of [their products] by the sense of achievement you get from getting them to work at all. In other words—and this is the rock solid principle on which the whole of the Corporation’s Galaxy-wide success is founded—their fundamental design flaws are completely hidden by their superficial design flaws.
All kidding aside, I think Electro-Smith has done an admirable-respectable job of bringing their products to market. I’ve viewed the products, except the seed, as examples-[development tools] for manufacturers to use to develop their own products, using the seed as a component. And they also just happen to make great tools-toys for interested electronic musicians and audio researchers to use - as development tools from other component manufacturers (TI, Analog Devices, ST, etc.) do as well.
I don’t know how E-S views the products, and I suspect that has changed over time since the kickstarter campaign which described E-S as a ‘consortium of electronic musicians’ or something like that.
I would be most interested in hearing how Electro-Smith views this very fuzzy distinction. And keep up the good work!
You mentioned TI, Analog Devices, etc. Back when I was coming up at the start of my engineering career, these chip makers as well as National Semiconductor, Intersil, etc. as well as the Rock Star Chip Makers–SSM, Curtis, etc.–they ALL had extensive data and application notes–WHOLE books were written for that purpose to help with designers like myself to put the chips in actual projects and then products. Also, we were blessed with such people as Don Lancaster whose TTL Cookbook, and Walter Jung’s OP AMP Cookbook that essentially made our careers possible and completely enriched our lives educationally as well as financially. And here I can’t find a freaking pinout for the Pod unless I want to reverse engineer a PCB wiring layout!!! And even then, I won’t get an explanation of what the heck the extra usb connector is for AND HOW TO USE IT FFS!!!
So, no. I won’t agree that E-S has done an admirable-respectable job, except to sell product.
Cheers Leonard!
Like I wrote elsewhere, I will be monitoring the progress, but I am not hopeful.
Also, as mentioned before, I have offered help to E-S, and we’ll see how that goes…
Cheers Takumi!
Actually, compared to other MCU development boards electro smith has an acceptable documentation. I only hope they don’t focus more on the more expensive boards, like the daisy patch. The Daisy Seed at its price is at the top range already for DIY enthusiasts development boards(which I believe is their main target group). It’s worthy, because of the hardware capabilities, but still, the value is high. I also hope they scale their resale network , because now it’s available only from the US and the delivery price is high.
Thank you for the feedback, kalata.
We are currently working on more documentation (centered around the Daisy Seed) actually.
Really excited to announce more about it.
And I totally hear you about the international shipping cost. I appreciate you letting me know your thoughts on it.
Are any new resources for daisy seed coming soon?
We hope to launch it soon! Thanks everyone for the wait.