Future of Oopsy?

It’s been a long time since there was an update. I know Oopsy is mostly sort of bug free in the bootloader-additions version but not quite.
What is left to be done and are there plans moving forward to continue the work?
Plllllease don’t make me learn C++ :slight_smile:


I’m with you! Oopsy is just too good. An update would be wonderful.

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yes. +1 for oopsy :slight_smile:

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!!! +1 for oopsy !!!

I can’t talk about what, but there are things happening that some of us are testing that will make you folks very happy.


RNBO code recompiler?
That would be difficult, but awesome.

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Just hearing that is making me very happy! Thank you!

@Manysounds :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :shushing_face:

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pls end the torture! :crying_cat_face:

I love gen~ but adding the convenience of RNBO could bring things to a next level. I’m sort of waiting for this since I read about it. GitHub - Cycling74/rnbo.example.daisy: Example of how to use RNBO code on the Daisy Audio Platform

That would make me extremely happy and I guess it must have been “around the corner” for ages now :smiley:

I just hope the patch_sm usage is well documented. At this moment I’m struggling to define a MIDI in port for it. Can’t find any examples, everything I come across is for the seed… :cry:

Let me know if there is the need for any patch_sm testers. I have some time and will to make it work.

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