Flashing Via ST-Link v2 - Oopsy

Im trying to flash via a STlink v2 instead of USB. When I go to flash MAX MSP oopsy is saying Daisy not ready on USB. How do I force the command to assume STlink?

I am powering the unit separately as I believe STlink will not power the unit standalone as the USB connection does.

The coms LED on the ST link is red i think, although it could be orange as i havent seen it change yet.

Im on a M1 MacbookAir.

Additionally when I try to use the WebProgrammer, I press the connect button and it connects ā€œPairedā€ to the STM32 STLink but I am not able to press ā€œFlash Blinkā€ or flash a demo program.


Currently both oopsy and the web programmer only support flashing via USB.

Your hardware connections should be fine, and youā€™re correct that the ST Link does not provide power to the Daisy.

For oopsy you can work around this in two ways:

  1. Manually open a terminal to the location of the generated build folder (within Max 8/Packages/oopsy/source/build_*), and run make program
  2. Edit the oopsy.js to change make program-dfu to make program

I have not tested that latter. So there could be a few other things (such as the string-checked errors) that could have an effect on that working properly.

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Thanks Stephen,
Ill try the terminal method #1.


Hi Stephen ,
Can you explain further what I need to do to flash the Daisy with a build via the STLinkv2.
I ran ā€˜makeā€™ after cdā€™ing to the build directory containing the Makefile and terminal returned

make: Nothing to be done for ā€˜allā€™.

Are there STLink specific arguments that I need to be adding?

Many thanks and sorry for the nooby questions. I was hoping the STLink would help me flash the Daisy Seed easier without having to add a hole in my enclosures for the USB connection.


Hereā€™s a brief overview of some of our makefile commands.

  • make compiles your local code. This will print Nothing to be done for 'all' if your code has already been compiled and no further changes have been made.
  • make program flashes your code over the st-link
  • make program-dfu flashes your code over USB. (daisy must be in DFU mode).
  • make clean deletes your build folder. This will give you a fresh start to try compiling again.

So if I want to compile my code and flash it over the debug probe all in one go, Iā€™ll often write a command like make && make program.
This will first compile your code (if it needs compiling). If the compilation is successful, it will then flash your code over the debug probe.


Thanks Ben,
I just tried ā€œmake programā€ and it works. So simple :slight_smile:
Thanks for making the obvious more obvious.


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Yes, this is so simple that it can be added to the wiki.

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