Hi there! I’m starting a project that will eventually be a tabletop synth (with Daisy at the core) that is WiFi/BLE enabled through an ESP32. I’d like to allow the ESP32 to send control data to Daisy and modify the parameters of a sketch so that the synth can be controlled through a Node.js server.
I wanted to get some advice from the group on the best route to go for controlling Daisy sketch parameters with an external microcontroller: would it be better to have the ESP32 send data to the Daisy over serial, or should I add additional circuits that allow the ESP32 to generate voltage changes and gates, emulating physical pots and buttons, and have those reads by the Daisy’s GPIO pins? For what it’s worth, I do also plan on having pots and buttons for tactile control of a Daisy sketch, but with the ESP32 there would be the ability for incoming control data to take over from the physical controls.
Thanks in advance for any advice on which method would be best to pursue!