Encoder , Pots and how to get around the limited hardware options using buffers

Hi there,

i am trying to wrap my head around what to do to get the most out of the limited amount of knobs, buttons and the encoder in the default hardware.
Practical example…
I have a few effects i would like to run on the Pod.
While the effect tanks are working, i need at least 10 parameter controls to adjust them.
But the pod only has two pots and two buttons…doh
So my question is , des anyone have a good tutorial how to set up data objects in gen~ that can store multiple parameter levels and only when the pot is used would pick up, change and store them when one switches to the next set.

I do have the encoder driving an accum object that could switch the indexes of the data object, but how to not make a loop of when to read and when to write into the buffer eludes me.
Here a picture of the encoder setup and a tired attempt for the data buffer…


Hi Sascha!

Ok, I think I know the issue you’re mentioning.

"...only when the pot is used would pick up..."
Is the problem that when you are switching modes around, the current potentiometer position (even when it’s not being touched) will overwrite the previous potentiometer position for each modes, correct?

One approach is using [change] and [switch] to make sure that the potentiometer value is sent out to be stored (or directly connected to your effect parameters) only when the potentiometer value is changed. [change] will output a non-zero value when you twist around (otherwise, it’s 0), so you can combine those two operators along with [!= 0].

I hope this is what you were asking! Let me know if I completely misinterpreted your question.

And I typically like using the buttons to switch between modes. LED 1 could indicate the current effect (so if you do something like red, green, blue, and white, you can have 4 effects). And you can use the second LED and buttons to switch between primary (red) and secondary (blue) or even tertiary (blue) parameters. I did something like this in my Daisy Pod video.

Hey Takumi, thanks for the answer :slight_smile:

I figured it out doing a MSP simulation and then ported it to Gen~
My mistake was not to realize the selector (encoder) switches the peek not at the exact same time
So now i am using 6 dedicated peeks, all with static values and only rotate the poke.
Adding a history to the comparator made it slow enough to be read before it could write again

I hope his is the first step to be able to save the state to an eprom etc at some time…
Going to watch the video now :slight_smile:

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hi there, this is exactly what i am trying to achieve i believe but failing to understand how it works exactly :slight_smile: would care to share your patch? more info on what im trying to achieve here: 2 Parameters 1 Knob With a Switch and Soft Takeover mode? - #5 by hooke

but it seems very similar and i am not able to figure it out.