Efficient development environment for filter algorithms

I started studying signal processing.
I am now experimenting with filter algorithms in DAISY SEED.
But this is not efficient.
Specifically the following
I can’t change parameters without hardware.
I can’t check the waveform or frequency spectrum.

I would like to develop more rough.
How about using MATLAB for example?
What do you guys do?

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I did some iir filter design using Octave and its signal package. Things like freqz are useful for checking frequency responses with mag/phase plots etc. Once happy with the filter I usually export the coefficients which, with some care, can be used in things like the arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_f32 functions.

Python also has some ok functionality for messing around with DSP algorithms which I’ve dabbled with a little bit. Things like numpy, scipy.signal and matplotlib would be good places to look to get started.
