Taking DaisySP to new places! DaisySP for openFrameworks and rtAudio!
DStudio combines the ofSoundStream class of openFrameworks with the DSP library DaisySP from Electro-smith.
DStudio provides another abstraction layer where you don’t deal with soundstreams and filters but with synthesizers, mixers, plugins and sequencers.
Like making a studio with code!
New in this version
- graphic editing of patches for all synthesizers and drum sounds
- editor has MIDI in so you get a live synthesizer with 4 sound engines
- XML presets
- generative drone class
- 2 new effects: Autopanner and Slicer
- bug fixes and more
The parts of DStudio are:
ofxDaisySP – an addon with DaisySP, a DSP library.
ofxDStudio – an addon which builds upon DaisySP to give you synthesizers, a sample player, drum sounds, FX plugins, a mixer with FX, sequencers as well as utilities. All can be controlled by MIDI.
examples – 10 + 2 examples that shows you how to use DStudio.
In ofxDStudio you will find:
3 synthesizer classes
1 sample player class
6 drum classes
1 mixer class
1 splitter class
2 sequencer classes
1 generative drone class
8 FX classes
10 000+ lines of code
an extensive written manual
Demo on YouTube: DStudio - make music with openFrameworks - YouTube
Github: StaffanMelin (Staffan Melin) · GitHub
Download: Open source – OSCILLATOR