Digital noise - test patch

Hello, i’ve just finish to make a user interface for my Daisy Patch (it is a homemade replica of the “init”), and then, tried the web programmer, and plugdata patch_init test file, to get some sound out of it for first tests. And it gave me an high hiss pitched noise.
I tried without the interface, and probed the audio pins to hear the results, still the the hiss, no other sound can be heard altough there should be a tunable audio oscilator. also tried to run it on a 9v battery for the same result. I’ve read some of the previous exchange you had about noise, but it seem to me that the subjects, where mostly about improving the sound quality.
If anyone can give me some tip to troubleshout this, that would be great. thanks.

Which Daisy module are you using? Seed? Patch Submodule?

The Patch Submodule requires +/-12v.