Hello @Takumi_Ogata ,
Thank you for the link, I do have all of that up and running and have been debugging quite a bit via breakpoints and such.
What I am looking to do is use the logger and be able to print debug info, such as timing data, so I can keep the system running and look for timing glitches.
In looking at this link that discusses the logger I noticed it talks about using the “Logger<LOGGER_SEMIHOST>” but it was not clear to me how to set this up.
In short i’m looking to be able to do a logger.PirntLine to put out timing data when VSCode is running via the ST-Link [Edit removed part of this line].
When the internal USB is in use, what is the proper way to have debug output go to/through the ST-Link, if that is possible at all.
Thank you for your help so far, it is greatly appreciated.