Did I burn my Daisy?


My first post and I have an issue. I’ve got Daisy Patch and I can upload blink example to its Daisy Seed just fine. Anything else stopped working though. The only visible change is left bottom led lighting up. Also, Daisy is very hot even when doing nothing (at least I’d expect it to be doing nothing). Can some part of it be fried, so I’m getting this weird state?

Thanks! Any hints are highly appreciated.

If you upload Blink to the Seed on a Daisy Patch, nothing else will work. No sound, no display.

Have you tried to build and upload any of the examples intended for use on Patch?

@tele_player thanks for the answer and sorry for being too vague. I can upload different firmwares, but they don’t seem to work. The Blink one, when reuploaded, seems to work just fine.

The main CPU does get pretty hot, so don’t be alarmed by that.

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That’s reassuring! Is there any difference between using the official web programmer and STM32CubeProgrammer?

I swapped the USB cable and now Seed looks completely bricked. No LEDs light up at all.
Truth to be told I bought it physically damaged (half of the debug port was missing, I noticed it after receiving it). I already ordered a new one. I’ll do my best not to fry it.

And it’s still bricked if you swap back to previous USB cable?

It is. Also, it immediately heats up.

Did you purchase from us? If so, you can contact us about this via here

By the way, did you have the Patch module powered this whole time (with eurorack power supply)? The Patch doesn’t fully function without it being powered. And it’s fine to also have the USB cable connected to the Seed while the module is powered at the same time.

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@Takumi_Ogata no worries, I bought it used. And the new Seed bought from Electrokit is on its way.

Is it ok to flash the module while it’s powered from both eurorack bus and USB?

Sounds good!

Yes. The Daisy “picks” the power supply that’s providing more, which in this case is the eurorack power.

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