Daisyduino no support for Patch

I tried to change the example for Pod to Patch but somehow there is no Patch functions I can get from Daisyduino.h. I tried to #include daisy_patch.h but encountered File not found.

Checked Daisyduino.h and confirmed no Patch hardware control included. Please update!

Successfully setup Homebrew and required configuration to maje and load binary thru Program-dfu. No need to use Chrome Web Programmer going forward. However still want to have Daisyduino covering also Patch as Arduino is a bit easier for people not good at C. Besides, having other devices on various Arduino and DSP chipsets, good to have a common and easy to use Dev Env.

Just added a new release to DaisyDuino that brings Daisy Patch support with several examples.

The MIDI examples use Francois Best, and lathoub’s MIDI library

Examples that use the OLED (most of them) use the U8g2 or U8x8 libraries by oliver.

Both of those libraries are available in the Library Manager.

Happy Hacking! :smiley:

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Great Stuff!
Will get a trial within week and revert.