Daisy Seed support added to Orastron Brickworks DSP library

Hello everybody and nice to e-meet you.

I’m the founder and CEO of a small DSP firm from Italy named Orastron and I’m glad to share that we’ve added explicit support for the Daisy Seed board in the latest release of our free/open source Brickworks DSP library.

In a nutshell, you can see Brickworks as an alternative to DaisySP which aims to be ubiquitous (desktop, web, and now Daisy Seed are supported, Android/iOS coming next) and to come with a larger set of algorithms.

Developing for the Daisy Seed was a breeze thanks to libDaisy - it took us literaly a couple of days to get the whole work done, so I want to congratulate and express my gratitude to the Electro-Smith team. Excellent job!

As of now we have all effect and synth examples working on the board. For the effects, input parameters are controlled by potentiometers branched to the ADCs while CPU load information and output parameters are transmitted as text over the USB serial interface. In the case of synths we used the board as a USB MIDI slave, instead, with parameters being mapped to MIDI CCs - yet this precluded using USB serial. We’ll likely soon add MIDI over UART as an alternative to free the USB serial interface, but we’d also love to have the board behave as a USB host (is that feasible? any pointers?)

I stop it here. I’d be happy to give you any further information if you want.



Thank you for adding support for Daisy and sharing, Stefano! This is exciting!

Please feel free to keep us posted on the progress here and also on Discord It would be great to have you join there and share the Brickworks DSP library on a channel like ‘general’.

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Hello again,

This is to inform you that we released version 0.4.0 of the Brickworks library.

Here’s a short list of changes:

  • Modulation, delay (except reverb), and resampling modules.
  • Support for MIDI over UART on the Daisy Seed board.
  • More new examples.
  • Added more fast math and buffer utility routines.
  • Bug fixes, improvements, and polish.

We still need to figure out how to use the Daisy Seed as a USB host for MIDI and also we haven’t looked into DaisyDuino at all yet (most likely those are post 1.0.0 things).

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Thank you for keeping us updated about the your DSP library, Stefano!!
Having it available for DaisyDuino would be amazing too indeed!


This time Brickworks 0.5.0 is out.

Here’s a short list of changes:

  • Reverb, fuzz, overdrive, distortion, hard clipper, dry/wet mixer, note queue, and voice allocator modules.
  • Multichannel API.
  • C++ wrappers.
  • Polyphonic synth and more new examples.
  • Bug fixes, improvements, and polish.

Also, our friends at Elk integrated Brickworks in Sushi 1.1.0, and thus in Elk Audio OS 1.0.

It’s great that our polyphonic synth example (8 voices with 3 vco, noise generator, mixer, 1 vcf, 1 vca, 2 envelope generators per voice) runs smoothly on the Daisy Seed unmodified. We haven’t had time yet to benchmark it though – potentially we could cram even more voices into it.


Hi all,

Now it’s the turn of version 0.6.0.

Here’s a short list of changes:

  • Android and iOS support.
  • Debugging utilities and preliminary use in a subset of modules.
  • Bug fixes, improvements, and polish.

With this release we have achieved support on all target platforms, so we have the same identical code (well, apart from platform/device-specific APIs and UIs) running everywhere - Daisy Seed, Android and iOS devices, VST3 plugins, WebAudio.


… aaand finally we released version 1.0.0, which is all about adding debugging everywhere, bugfixing, and polishing.

We’ll keep improving the library and we’ll expand the offer as soon as possible with advanced modules with more functionality, virtual analog models, new original algorithm designs, etc., and we’ll make sure they will work on the Daisy Seed. So, if you’re interested keep an eye on this project.

Also, we’re really eager for feedback and we welcome all constructive criticism.

We’d love to see it used in your projects. If you do, please let us know!

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I’m confused by your license names, don’t you mean “proprietary” for the current “commercial” license?

To be compatible with GPLv3 you have to allow “commercial opensource”, otherwise this licensing setup is not valid as GPL does not allow restrictions to commercial use.

You probably mean “proprietary” (aka: closed source), which includes freeware and commercial non-opensource.

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You are strictly speaking correct, just using sloppy “colloquial” language here. Perhaps we should change that, thanks for pointing it out!

Update: updated, thanks again! :slight_smile:

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Thank you! This is so often overlooked and the terms sometimes have lost their meaning.
I’m ok with dual licensing, as long as the terminology is clear and not conflicting :slight_smile:

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Hi all, we just released version 1.1.0.

No actual Daisy-specific news this time, yet we have a new cab simulator module, new extra functionality in the envelope generator and bit depth reducer modules, new LV2 plugin and command line program targets, plus other improvements, bugfixes, and polish as usual.

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Cool that you are also targeting LV2!

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Hello everybody,

This time we released version 1.2.0 and a set of more advanced algorithms called Brickworks Pro (this is not free software/open source, though).

Again, no Daisy-specific news, yet a good deal of improvements (Brickworks) and the possibility of creating powerful subtractive synths, plus a faithtful model of the Roland Juno60 chorus circuit.

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Hi all,

We just released version 1.3.0.

This update mainly introduces pretty standard 1st- and 2nd-order (biquad) IIR filters and improves compatibility with ancient C++ compilers.

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