DAISY SEED seems bricked

I have been trying to use a Daisy seed (on a POD) as a simple synth. As I am a NOOB with this stuff I started by trying to flash the POD example to the unit. One of the two SEEDS seemed to not work. When I try to put the SEED in DFU mode, my Win 11 system just says that "The last USB device has malfunctioned and goes nowhere. The other SEED was working and would go into DFU mode. After attempting to flash the BLINKA program, the second SEED is now also dead. Zadig says “Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)” Is there any way to reload the bootloader or the firmware to restore the SEED(s) to normal operation?
Please advise,

The standard STM32 DFU bootloader (press and hold BOOT, press and hold RESET, release BOTH)is burned into the STM32, it can’t be corrupted or overwritten, can’t be reloaded. It’s always there.

This sounds like the usual silliness with how Windows handles USB, and why Zadig is always used on Windows.