Hello Daisy world!
I bought a batch of three Daisy Seeds (1.2 rev7) and failed to get the working properly.
I set up a toolchain as described in the tutorial on 3 different operating systems:
- Lenovo T410 running Linux Mint
- Lenovo T410 running Windows 10
- An old Macbook Pro running High Sierra
On all 3 operating systems I end up with the same problem: When I connect the Daisy Seeds to the computer via USB (tried a bunch of different USB cables, the problem persists) they get recognized and show up as USB devices (e.g. under Linux as “STMicroelectronics Virtual COM Port”, under Windows in Zadig as “Daisy Seed Build In”). Also the PWR LED is on and the USER LED is blinking.
But once I bring them into DFU mode by pressing mode and reset (USER LED now switched of, PWR LED still on), they cannot be recognized by the operating systems any more: In LINUX they do not show up at all (lsusb fails to show any entry) and in Windows I get an error message saying that an unknown USB device is connected. Also Zadik shows a strange USB ID “0000 0020”.
Since this problem appears on all 3 operating systems likewise I do not think that it is an issue of the toolchains. Could it be that the Daisy Seeds I bought are all from a faulty badge? Or more likely, am I missing something substantially in setting them up?
Did anybody experience similar problems and found a solution? Or does anybody from Electrosmith have an idea how to proceed?
Thanks a lot in advance for your time! Your help is highly appreciated!
Best, Johannes