Daisy Seed as GPIO?

Didn’t know whether to post this as part of my previous thread, but it’s sufficiently general to warrant it’s own I think.

Not sure if it would be practical, but has anyone used a Daisy Seed simply as GPIO to a PC? It would be better than having to spend yet more cash on a Raspberry Pi something or other + MCP3208.

If someone’s written code for this and got it working, great, if it’s up to me to write it, not great, will look at other options.

Hey - I totally forgot I wrote this a few years ago - it’s not what you want - but it does have serial comms server code for the daisy - that can be cannibalized into dishing out and receiving GPIO fun. Would be a bit of work tho.

Was with you right up to ‘Would be a bit of work tho.’ I’ll have less spare time but more money coming in for a while now, so I might just buy a Pi zero and a MCP3208, and have less headaches. Thanks though, again!