Daisy Patch Connectivity and Firmware Update Troubles

Hii all :raised_hand:,

I am running into some trouble getting my newly acquired Daisy Patch up and running;. am hoping you can lend a hand.

Firstly, I’m unable to connect my Daisy Patch to my Windows 10 PC via USB. I’ve tried different cables and ports, all of which work with other devices. I’m starting to suspect a driver issue or specific connection requirements for the Daisy Patch. Any insights into resolving this connectivity problem would be greatly appreciated.

Secondly, I encountered a roadblock during a firmware update. The process abruptly stopped, leaving my Daisy Patch unresponsive. I’ve tried restarting and redownloading the firmware, but to no avail. Has anyone else experienced this? Are there any specific steps or troubleshooting tips I might have overlooked?

I’ve thoroughly reviewed the user manual and troubleshooting guide, but unfortunately, the issues persist. Given the technical nature of these problems, I’m eager to hear from anyone who has faced similar challenges or has expertise with the Daisy Patch.

I have explored resources/article like Is anyone using and programming the electrosmith daisy patch learn gen ai, but I still find myself struggling with these aspects.

Any advice or suggestions on how to proceed would be incredibly helpful. Thanks in advance :pray: for your time and assistance!

Welcome @Luciana!

What is indicating that the connection between your Daisy Patch and the PC is not working?

Do you have the Daisy Patch connected to eurorack power while the USB is connected to the Seed? This is safe to do so by the way.

Another thing to check is if the USB driver is configured correctly: Using Zadig to Reset USB Driver (Windows Only) · electro-smith/DaisyWiki Wiki · GitHub

And I recommend using the Daisy Web Programmer on Chrome to test if the connection is working.